Galactic Starcruiser Media Reports

lol for some reason that screen grab makes her look like a rogue Pixar animation.


:joy: :rofl:

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ok… there are a lot of OWM as media passengers :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’ve watched about five minutes so far and have drawn the following conclusions:

  1. I would enjoy it more than @Randall1028 because I don’t care about Star Wars. I just want to explore a cool spaceship.

  2. I would probably only want to visit for a few hours. Maybe a single night’s stay.

  3. As much as I think it would be cool for a few hours, or a single night’s stay, I don’t want it enough to pay even one tenth of what they’re charging.

  4. What they are actually charging is way out of my league. I’d have to do a four person share, and even that is more money than I’d want to spend on the experience.

  5. It’s clearly much better than Space 220. That was kinda a one-and-done for me and at the limit of what I’m willing to spend on this kind of experience.

  6. I would love to have a ride breakdown in the AT-AT room of ROTR. Or to spend more time in the stormtrooper bay than they want you to.


Watching a vlog of it, and i have to say, it looks really cool, even taking it with a big grain of salt. That said, this is out of our price range, especially for a two day experience. Unless the price comes down drastically, we will probably never be able to justify the expense.

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Vloggers male:female = 10:1??? and I’m already tired of the role play, I’m w/ @sanstitre_has_left_the_building I just want to explore the ship.


Watched a few minutes of Tim Tracker, skipping around to different points. Mixed feelings from the little I’ve seen. Some awesome, some interaction a bit on the cringey side, a lot in between. Definitely think it would be a cool experience, but dang it’s hard to justify a 40-hour experience (16 of which are asleep) costing the same as my daughter’s braces or most of a new roof.


ok… it was pretty funny when they trapped and locked the storm troopers in the closet thing :laughing:


You can drive up to it, it’s mentioned in the written review that was linked. Valet parking included.


My first thought was “That door is shutting rrrrrrrreal slowly.” And then “They have comms, y’know. And blasters.” :smirk:


oh yeah :rofl:


I think that is a major omission as well: no shooting. Just about everything in Star Wars ends up in a firefight. I haven’t gotten to the end, but I’m betting no firefight breaks out in the atrium.

Obviously, they can’t safely do that, but that then ushers in the question: Then why did you do this in the first place?


ok, pretty funny that the hotel CMs took back the ‘ship’ and escorted the LT and his S. Troopers away… but what about Kylo?

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Plenty lightsaber action though.

Did anyone else notice Rey switching out light sabers after the initial light up?

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Who the fuck would take a baby on this trip?

The whole place seems irritatingly loud all the time.


Right?!? I can see all kinds of melt downs happening. And he said that some of it would be happing at 10-11 pm but who’s watching the children… are they going to leave them alone in their rooms while the adults go role play?

damn it ppl… not a set up :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :laughing:


Ya’ the cost is mind boggling. From what I saw it was NOT worth the cost.


I’m not a star wars person so would never pay this. But will be interesting to hear what it’s like with kids running around. Also will it be more crowded or is this the normal cruise number?

I’m very interested in a real review! Lots of cool parts though.


My very important final conclusions

As you would expect, it’s clear that an enormous amount of creative thought was put into this. And it’s an experience that I think is totally unique. Tracker just said, “It’s an experience only Disney could provide.” And I buy that.

But I won’t buy it. I can see why it’s expensive: it’s very staff intensive. But it’s not for me. I don’t think I would ever be able to suspend my disbelief. And I’m really not into joining in. Also: too loud, too crowded.

Oh yeah. The new lightsaber thingies are cool. Can you buy them?