Galactic Starcruiser Media Reports

Here’s Tom Bricker’s take.


I kinda liked that their stroller matched the decor :woman_shrugging:t4::rofl:

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THB - This looks fun. However, I’m not a “mega” Star Wars fan. Plus, a lot of the activates seem “cute” & aimed at younger kids. I think a lot of 11-14 yr old kids are going to love it. Parents are going to pay the $$ to enjoy watching the kids do it. (Like most WDW activities)

The lightsaber training doesn’t really compete with what “Vader Immortal” does on the Oculus Quest VR helmet. (That’s “real lightsaber training”) Also, my local family fun center - “Golf & Games” has had a similar “interactive shooting gallery” for years where you dodge “lasers” and such while ducking behind obstacles.

Finally, to everyone ppl freaking out over some of the effects really need to take a trip down the street to watch The Bourne Spectacular at Universal. Then you’ll really gasp at a seamless transition of practical effects / props mixed with projections and such! ! :scream:


I am so excited for this :laughing:


Just watched the DFBGuide video and gotta say…it actually looks like a lot of fun to me. I had to kind of change my expectations a bit, but I could see doing it and having blast.

Of course, for the price-point, that fun is purely theoretical. I can’t see myself spending that kind of money for this experience…but if I were wealthy with money to burn, I’d absolutely do it.


I’m not sure what my price point would be. Definitely the cost of a deluxe hotel & one day park admission…so…maybe $1,000 per person is where I’d consider it. Also, I don’t like the 2 night minimum.

Just have it “running” all day. If I miss something, then that’s fine. Let me check in whenever, come in to see / experience a few things, eat, sleep and then drop me on Batuu in the morning - at least 30 minutes before anyone else - including EE / RD.

However, to make my point clear, IMHO this experience is targeted at families with small children. This experience is aimed at building the next generation of SW & WDW - not for the current die-hard fans


AJ, from DFBGuide, while indicating plenty of kids were having fun, actually stressed that this experience is NOT ideal for families with young kids. In fact, many of the experiences kids under 7 aren’t even allowed to participate in, such as lightsaber training.


And it doesn’t look appropriate for anyone w/ sensory issues b/c it’s very loud. Young children, in general, don’t like loud sounds.


Yeah… my OG post said, I think it’ll be best for 11 - 14 years

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This is the issue that I would have, were I interested in doing this.

At the price they are charging, I don’t think anyone should have to change/alter/lower their expectations. For the kind of money that people are plunking down, ZERO alteration of expectation should occur. The experience darn well better live up to the expectations of even the nerdiest SW fan. Otherwise, the project is a fail IMO


Well, the problem comes down to everyone having DIFFERENT expectations. Originally, going in, I was thinking that the experience would allow you to kind of step back and just observe. But, if that’s what you want, this experience isn’t for you. When I realized that…when I could see this is about going full-in on the experience, ready to keep busy with mission after mission throughout the trip, I could look at it with different expectations. With THOSE expectations, I think it could be a lot of fun.



…at the current price point.

I can see that the prices reflect the abundance of CMs for the theatrical immersion.

It would be an amazing experience to go in and all that stuff is just going on anyway, maybe with other guests more engaged, and you can just observe sporadically while exploring and enjoying the amazing theming.

I would pay deluxe rates for a night in one of the rooms and the option of an a la carte menu. The digs and scran look exceptional.

What I wouldn’t do is pay those exorbitant rates that are really there to cover the ‘experience’ parts. I would feel uncomfortable being engaged by an actor and don’t think the gaming elements look THAT much fun.


Do you think the CMs shift patterns would make sure that the same ‘face characters’ are there for the whole 2 day experience? It would be odd if on arrival day you have one CM playing a part and the next day a different one.

Are reservations like this too? Like you wouldn’t be able to book in for your experience to start on certain days. Are they filling all of the rooms for an experience to start on say the Monday and then the next allocation would be from the Wednesday with noone able to book in for starting on the Tuesday? Speedy housekeeping turn around times!!!??

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Reservations are like an actual cruise line. You can’t just pick and choose when to get on a cruise ship. There is a em/de-barkation day/time. Same applies here.

I really like how AJ presented this. It isn’t really a “hotel”. You sleep there, sure…but it is an experiential 2-night cruise.


That’s a fair assessment of it.

I’d love the same building just as a hotel then :+1:t2::rofl:


That goes back to what I was saying about expectations. Everyone keeps saying, “I wish it was this” or “I wish it were that”, etc. But these wishes are sometimes in contradiction with one another.

Seeing what this thing REALLY is like sets the expectations. Now that I can see what this REALLY is, it resets my expectations. Accepting this, I can then judge if the experience would be fun or not. I think I would really enjoy it. My wife saw it and said no way! (She is more introverted than I am.)


As I watched the whole video, my feelings on it just kept going down. :frowning:

The last fight was hard to watch, and even harder to understand. Kylo mumbling about something and Rey whining about hope.

I will say though…the fight was more exciting than the one seen in Rise of Skywalker! So…there’s that. :slight_smile: Also, the dude in the ST armor at the end delivered his jokes well.


You’re so correct and logical :rofl:

I just want MY Star Wars ‘hotel’ to turn out to MY expectations :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
When this got announced (in 2017??) I started a separate little savings account just for this. I got to my £1500 target. That’s a few Galactic credits short.
I will be using it for my UOR trip :hugs:


Also…alllllll that hype over “THE LIGHTSABER” and it’s used for .2 seconds. Once.

DA HELL?! It’s the X-wings all over again. DISNEY! USE WHAT YOU GOT! The X-wings should be doing daily/nightly flybys on Batuu. The fact that they aren’t is just a travesty.

Additionally, why is the holocron the size of a friggin football? Shouldn’t it be the size of the one you find in Dok’s (which, incidentally, is already like 5x larger than it should be)