Disney Visa and Other Credit Referrals

I forgot to update my cards! Done and done.

FYI incase any one is looking into a Chase Visa Premiere card. They have increased the sign on bonus to $400. I think this is for a limited time.


Sorry, I forgot about this. Of course, It appears I cannot even get the sheet to work for me. It must be a sign!

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Anyone with a Southwest card: there is a new offer only on referral links right now where people can earn a 1-year Companion Pass plus 30K Rapid Rewards.

So, might be worth refreshing your SW card referral links for the sheet. (I do not have any SW cards in my house right now, I’ll be back in that game at the end of the year! :slight_smile: )

If you know anyone who might benefit from a Companion Pass and doesn’t really want to play the usual personal + business card game to earn the 135K points needed for a regular CP that would run until the end of next year - this might be a good way in for them, plus a good way for you to earn some referral points!


Funny, I had updated my SW link after I received a new offer on 1/24. I just updated again to this offer.