That you heard about from other people who did it first!

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Nah this has been my plan longer than itā€™s been your plan.

Donā€™t ask me how I know - I just know.

So YOU are the copycat

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You read all my posts? :wink:

This is a makeup 2020 Oct trip by DD has been asking since 2018.

I guess technically this is our honeymoon that was canceled because of 9/11/01 soā€¦

(no really, we were supposed to go to Italy ā€“ and then we never did get there, so 25th anni it is)


You win!


Wanna meet up there???


If either of you need a tour guide in Bologna, I know a girl!

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Is her name O-S-C-A-R?


Doesnā€™t quite rhyme with Bowl-own-ya when she says it in eye-talian.


Where are your cities of interest?

Just researching.

Not sure yet but obviously drawn to the most popular rome/venice/florence/amalfi/ coast/tuscany

Also interested in Sicily but that seems like a trip all on its own so not sure about that

Aiming for 10 days


DD wants Venice and Amalfi Coast as well. I will work on convincing her about Tuscany. I doubt weā€™ll do Rome but I will take her to Pompeii from Amalfi Coast. She wants 2 weeks but she wants to ā€œliveā€ like an Italian and just hang out a couple places.

Yes, I feel like Sicily is its own thing too. I also looked at that.

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No Georgie, we wonā€™t! Love that musical.

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Swoon! I love love loved walking the fort and next to the sea! We were on an all day walking tour so we did kind of expect the walking but yeah, Iā€™m glad we did it in January and not midday.

If you ever do figure out where a trip report is (or decide to do one post-fact), I would love to read it!! We did Puerto Rico just DH & I for our 10th wedding anniversary trip (actual anni is in June but Hamilton came in January so we celebrated early). The food was SO good & I loved San Juan.

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LOL, samesies! My 3rd childā€™s first name and youngest childā€™s middle name are from characters in the show).

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Iā€™ve never been on a cruise but these Saturday - Sunday itineraries would be perfect for spring break 2025, whenever that might be . . . .

Spring 2025 Itineraries for the Treasure are available to book! And our school calendar is already out pending final approval from the School Board (but the process to get the calendar created & posted is usually pretty close to what gets approved).

Only once have they removed a break but they did add it back because it was Fall Break for the 2020-21 school year and the teachers were ready to revolt over just about everything (rightfully so) & the district ended up taking the days that were originally Fall Break (that they removed to shorten the school year) as well as a whole bunch of Fridays all the rest of the year to give the teachers planning time for expecting them to teach not just the kids in person but all the kids from families who wanted online, at the same time, on the same days). It was a madhouse year.


My Mediterranean cruise was one of my favorite trips Iā€™ve ever taken BTW. We didnā€™t get to do Venice, but it feels like we got to do everything else!


This is on my bucket list. I say one that was like 18 days. :pray: Probably will be a 2027 trip though if Iā€™m being honest. But Iā€™m dying to cruise all the coasts!

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