My problem with cruising locations is I don’t really feel I’ve visited those places like a land trip. So I cruise for the ship, and for the excursions even or beach time but not to actually see a country. I just don’t feel like a few hours cuts it. :frowning:

I agree. It’s more of a “flavor of” the area. And I’d like to immerse myself in it for week or so

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This is what I like about it so much. There are so many countries and cities to see. I can’t possibly see them all in my lifetime (especially when I keep going back to Disney) But, this way I get to see parts of so many places.

Then, if someone decides to fund my travels full time someday, I know the places I want to explore more…and the places I do not need to see again.


Yeah I can see that like for me Jamaica is a no because of my cruise experience. Whereas I’d go back to the Cayman islands and Cozumel.


That’s very true

That said I fell in LOVE with St Lucia on a cruise and have never yet made it back :frowning:


Very high on my bucket list. It was between that and Greece for honeymoon number 1 and I went Greece but then for honeymoon 2 I had to seriously top honeymoon 1 cuz it was so fab but the guy not so much… so I straight skipped it for French Polynesia but I’ve always wanted to go but I know I want to stay. I want to do the street party.

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Because you a) still do the Disney and b) don’t have one of those full-time funders that @StinsyLinson is so wisely talking about. But it can be on your list for if and when that funding donor appears.


It’s true. I do.

I can’t quit my true love.

I have to make room for other things but it will be my #1 for as long as I can see


Room for other things is good. It is definitely my #1 too making too many other things very, very hard.


Enter: Travel Work

After discovering that it wasn’t so hard to save for Africa (@ScottFL ) I have inspired myself to save for other wild and exotic adventures - and plan to! Next: Bali!


I am seriously gonna just start following you.



This is true too. I don’t think it’s all about the ports but I also want to step foot in a new place and get a taste of the culture.
Unless it’s Cozumel. Then a day at Mr
Sanchos is the only way to go :rofl:


My parents just got back from a month long trip in Italy - Milan, Barolo, Turin, Tuscany, Cinque Terre, Florence… they had the most amazing food, wine and I am so incredibly jealous and trying to figure out just how many more years I have until retirement (FAR TOO MANY!).

I can’t wait to hear about all of the things that you will be planning for this trip and I hope you share with us!


Def do the Amalfi Coast! Swoon. Okay everywhere we went in Italy was wonderful! I’m ready to go back and explore more cities and hang out in the countryside.


Agree. I went at 15yo. Milan → Venice → Florence → Assissi → Rome → Sorrento and by far and away my two favorite places were Sorrento which is near that Amalfi Coast and Assissi in Umbria.


Oh yes Sorrento was lovely!

This looks amazing! I can only imagine how many small details will be in there. I love scouring for the little things.

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