Disney may take visitor temps when reopened

I onle did because this was the second occurrence where I was clearly sick but didn’t meet their standards.

This for sure.

How about folks handing out acetaminophen on the drive to the park just to be careful.

I read that scientists believe people’s temperatures are actually lower than they used to be 100 years ago. They are not sure why, but the leading theory is that people have less chronic inflammation than they used to have.


Oh hi. I didn’t have this note in my file but probably should have as I never run a fever. Luckily my body has two backup systems. I either had a nose bleed or started vomiting. So the nurse eventually learned to send me home for seemingly simple nosebleeds.

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Doesn’t even matter. They’d likely just change HIPAA or something to get around it. People love giving up their freedoms for a sense of security, regardless of if it’s real or not. Look at what happened after 9/11- surely one result of this epidemic will be decreased individual freedoms in the name of the collective being “safer”


At least Disney is honest and says this screening is to make people feel safe. During the SARS-1 epidemic, this was done at airports and we figured out the success rate at catching infected people was about 50%. (That’s how I knew it wouldn’t work for cruise ships, either).

So true! I was looking around for a picture frame and masks were everywhere on Etsy. I’m sure Mickey’s in there somewhere.

I don’t know about other privacy laws, but I know a lot about HIPAA, and it is almost ironclad. That’s why we’ll never have the same low infection rates of SK and Singapore- in those countries, they publish everything but the name of each infected person so you can check to see if you’ve been where they’ve been. Instead we have armies of contact tracers to find everyone who might have. been in contact with an infected person.

Here, the media (and people) clamor for information about individual infected people, but they can’t get it. Age, sex and maybe race is all you’ll get, and sometimes not even that.

I suppose if we had a virus as deadly as MERS and infectious as SARS-CoV2 that might change, but so far HIPAA has held on tight.

The reason why temp. checks aren’t violation of HIPAA is that it’s not being publicized. The people around you don’t know who you are. Now if they did it like like at Laugh Floor & zoomed in and put your face on the theater screen, that’d be different. :sweat_smile:


I’ve seen 100.4 as the threshold temp. Higher than that and you get the boot…and your companions.

My “normal” temp is 96.4 or thereabouts. If I personally hit 99, I’m pretty feverish. I’m bedridden at 100.4. No interest in travel, let alone going to a theme park at that point.

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That is pretty high. 100.4 is the CDC’s definition of a fever.
I think I’d feel sick well before that, too.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who has been thinking this. Some of the comments I see are downright scary to me in this regard.


In case anyone wants to read more. I read this a few months back…interesting (and my “normal” temp is usually around 97.8).


I have a question for anyone who’s willing to answer, because I’m starting to think that I am just hardwired differently than most people.

If you are truly afraid of catching something while you’re on vacation, be it COVID-19, or something else, is a temperature check (or masks or any other visual calming aid) really going to put your mind at ease? I would think that someone who is so worried about getting sick would simply not travel at a time when they feel that way and wouldn’t find much reassurance in these measures anyway. Disney may have to wait a year or several years, but it would make that person feel more secure and able to enjoy their trip when they finally go. At least that would be my thought.

On the other hand, would someone who is not very worried about catching something care whether there’s a temperature reader (or masks, etc.) or not?

As for me, regardless of when Disney World opens again, until I feel fairly comfortable with the fact that I could catch something while I’m on vacation, and be prepared to deal with that, I wouldn’t even be going.


On people’s body temp cooling down, I wonder if we have accurate data to determine that?

Fahrenheit, wasn’t a scientist, but a manufacturer who made the most accurate thermometers at the time. He did that by calibrating the upper end of the temp range with the armpit temp of a particular employee. He’d set that employee’s temp at 100F. It wasn’t that the employee ran a fever all the time, that 100 temp was adjusted down later. Armpits don’t strike me as particularly precise.

Rebeeky, that is true. I’m on a couple of Facebook groups for people going to Disney in January. Even before all this, I remember several people wondering if they shouldn’t postpone their trip from this last January because of the regular flu or colds.

We went to Universal first week of Feb, and I instituted a “Wash your hands at every stop, even if you don’t use the bathroom” rule. My bladder is the size of a pea,so that equated to what people are doing now.


If you read the article, they are pretty confident in the old data. They genuinely believe the average body temp has fallen, not that measurement methodology or precision explains the change.

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I fall into this category, and no, I would consider those things a nuisance. In regular life I don’t even think about germs or getting sick. When I planned our Thanksgiving/December trip the flu didn’t even cross my mind. And I was certainly not any more mindful of washing our hands at the parks than I am at home…which is to say, not very. I always wash my hands after using the restroom, and usually before cooking, but rarely before eating. Which is ironic, because I go to great lengths to keep man-made toxins out of our lives…almost entirely plastic free kitchen, organic foods, clothes, bedding, beds, etc., special order VOC free paints and stains, solid wood furniture finished ourselves, etc…

Do we get sick? Sure, but no more than the average person, and probably less. A couple of colds/respiratory viruses and maybe a stomach bug or two each year. With three small children in the household, I’d say that’s pretty normal. My kiddos have not had any illnesses that required anything more than rest and fluids, maybe the occasional Motrin for discomfort (with the exception of one trip to the ER for croup because I was an idiot in the middle of the night and used steam instead of cold air). Certainly no antibiotics or anything.

All that said, I would probably (possibly?) be more cognizant of hand washing if we went to the parks in the first little bit after they open. But taking temperatures is just plain silliness that gives nothing other than a false sense of confidence. Waste of time.


You sound exactly like me! I could have written almost your entire post myself, though I’m not quite as diligent on the toxins as I wish I were. We are also never give much thought to getting sick. I always feel that common sense goes a long way toward keeping you healthy, and we very, very rarely get sick.

I would also find such measures at Disney to be a nuisance, and truthfully, would postpone a trip as a result.

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It’s a battle. I used to be really up tight about it, but over time, I’ve let some things slide. Especially in the area of toys. It’s hard to keep cheap, plastic, Made in China crap out of the house as the kids age. Most would still probably consider me over the top about it though. But man, I belong to some FB groups that make my head spin!! The rabbit holes they go down are unbelievable!

Yes!! Actively support your immune system and minimize unnecessary attacks on it.


outside temp doesn’t really regulate your internal temp. Even if its hot or cold outside your body does a very good job of regulating your internal temp. That being said, I also think it is kinda silly for Disney to implement the procedure. Too many variables.

Fortunately that kind of thing never happens here…



The temp thing is FAR from foolproof