Disney may take visitor temps when reopened

And this is, I feel, all the more reason to not rely on temperature in this particular situation. It’s not logical or practical in a hot outdoor environment. Plus, many people naturally run hotter or colder than average.


Not to mention that we’ll be hitting summer where people will be hot and overheating. Everyone will have an elevated temp in the middle of a Florida summer.


And people who spent a lot of money to be at disney so they pop an advil for a low grade fever and enter the park.

A temperature check may help at the margin but I doubt it makes the parks much safer.


They need to equip all CMs with these helmets. And I fully expect Disney would want the facial recognition feature as well.

For the record, this is me on a normal Florida day.
Not sure how temperature taking is going to work.


I didn’t even think about that! It’ll be the same damn people who give their kids Tylenol so they can send them to school when they’re sick. :angry:


People do this to send their kids to school and day care! I used to work at a day care, and one time we had a kiddo in the nursery who had 3 liquid brown blowouts in the period of about 90 minutes 4ish hours after being dropped off. He was fussy too - more than usual. We took his temperature, and sure enough, he had a fever. Our director called mom and she actually said “You mean the children’s Tylenol wore off already??” Our director politely but not quite believing what she heard asked her to repeat herself and the mom repeated it. Director said “So you knew he was sick?” and mom admitted he had thrown up and had issues at the other end all night. Our director said “You need to come and get him immediately, and I am going to require documentation from a doctor before he is allowed to return. You have now exposed my entire center to whatever he has.”


I saw an article, before this whole Coronavirus thing that 98.6 is not actually accurate. That temperature was set unscientifically quite some time ago. People’s body temperatures do fluctuate. It’s why doctors don’t really care too much about “temperatures” under about 100 degrees. (Unless it’s an infant).


My temp has always been in the 97.1-97.4 range. When I was in school, my pediatrician wrote a note for my file that a temperature of 99 with me was to be treated as a temperature of 100 for other students - meaning my mom was to be called to get me - because for me 99 IS a fever. A low fever, but a fever all the same.


That seems to be where my temperature is often as well. During this pandemic, when I’ve been testing, it has almost always been in the 97s.

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I normally am closer to 97.6. So by the time I get to 100, it’s a pretty bad fever. I feel really terrible if i get over 99 (under normal resting conditions).

So whatever they choose they will have some sick people get in.


When they start hauling people off to isolation camps you’ll be safe. Plus you can go ride BTMRR!

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a terrible idea and probably violates some HIPAA law.

They’ll get around it by just telling everyone the person with a fever had a gun or drugs or something as an excuse for pulling them out of line.

DH runs normally at 99. While I’m 2 degrees cooler.

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Same in our house!

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I’m reminded of an episode of Friends, where Joey (I assume) pronounces Spider-Man as if it were a single word surname, like Goldman. On that basis, your idea is sound.

On the other hand, amp meter is elided to ammeter. So . . . hmm.


Yep. That’s exactly why I had a note in my file all through school. The school policy was to not call unless temperature was 100 or over. One time in 1st grade I was SICK with a bad case of tonsillitis and felt like crap, but because my temperature was “only” reading 99.6 they refused to call my mom. I got home and my mom took one look at me and knew I was sick. She got me an emergency appointment at my doctor’s office and in addition to my prescription for meds, my doctor wrote the note to my school stating that 99 for me was the equivalent of 100 in “most” people and they were to follow the same procedure for me at 99 that they would for another student at 100.


I have also been fantasizing about Disney themed masks if they somehow required masks at the park. Whole etsy stores would be devoted to matching t-shirts, masks and Mickey ears. It could become the next thing!


Same for me. I didn’t have a doctor’s note at school, but I do run a low temp normally so if I’m at 99 I have a fever.