Current same day FP drops

Yesterday, 2/21, I saw a MFSR pop up at 2:31.

ETA: I am in Central Time Zone so my phone time shows 1:31.


@NaviHeart, you can look for FP availability at another park. You can’t go through the modify function but can if you start as if you’re booking new FP. See this forum post that has link to step by step instructions:

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@redboy42. Thanks for this. I will check it out when I have a laptop nearby. I wish I could do it on the fly at the park. I wonder, do you know if there is a “Full site” version on iPhone I can switch to in safari?

Should be able to do through the browser at

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You can definitely do it in your phone browser at the park.

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If I choose “cancel selection” and continue I won’t loose my FPP unless I choose a new one? It’s so scary haha I don’t want to lose my slinky dog unless I can get FoP.

You won’t!

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Playing from home today. At 9:31 drop I saw an 11:10 MFSR then I refreshed and saw a 5:25 SDD. Could be the SDD was dropped by someone trading for MFSR.


In order to test this out, do you need an Annual Pass? It seems like you have to have a ticket for the day to get in to see the FPs. Or am I missing something?

You have to have a ticket, yes. So an annual pass or a ticket that’s not tied to specific dates - I think you can still buy those though it’s more expensive than the date specific option.

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At 12:01 saw 1:45 MFSR, refreshed and saw 1:45 TSM, refreshed and the 1:45 MFSR was back, refreshed and saw 2:20 MFSR and 2:00 SDD

I also checked the 1:01 AK drop and saw a lot of FOP

I have friends coming to town in a month so I’m just playing to see what shows up regularly to help them decide what they might be able to pick up. Should I keep posting here what I see?


I think that would be really helpful if you wouldn’t mind! It would be good to see if MMRR has drops once it’s open.


@ThorKat - This is so helpful. The only FP we don’t have is SDD (and a BG of course). We are hoping to do a same day drop.

Ok I will keep posting what I see on days I have time to check :slight_smile:


Really appreciate this! It helps to know what’s likely to be there at the drops so I can manage expectations accordingly. Pretty good news on MFSR drops so far it seems.

2:31 HS drop I saw 4:20 SDD, refresh 4:45 SDD, then several refreshes clock read 2:32 SAW 4:20 MSFR, refresh 4:00 MFSR

So don’t give up if you don’t see what you want in that first minute :wink:

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Thanks so much for this - liking what you have to share!

5:01 AK saw 6:15 & 6:50 FOP, refreshed a few times and saw 6:05 & 6:55, refreshed several times at clock reading 5:03 saw 6:50 FOP

That’s it tonight! Should be able to check a few tomorrow too :grin:


my new hero - thanks!

My suggestion in all of this is not to go into A Bugs Life while waiting for a FP drop at AK. You lose WiFi and cell service in the rock portion. :joy:. However, at 11:01 I was able to get a FP for FOP for 7 people.