Covid vaccination

We were not sure it would happen but MA just added teachers to the eligible list!


Thank you!!! You are amazing!

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This is awesome! I hope the logistics of it all can handle it all and they can find appointments. Our appointment system for Mass sites is horrendous.


I got my invite this morning and am booked in for Friday morning! We’re on 16-64 with underlying conditions. DH who has MS hasn’t had his invite yet but I’m sure it will come soon.


I got my second dose of Pfizer about a week ago. Zero symptoms from both shots.

I qualify under 1B in Texas because I’m pregnant - probably would otherwise be awhile for me. I’m happy to be vaccinated and (hopefully) passing some immunity to baby coming in a few weeks!


It appears that in the U.S. we are just about 8% fully vaccinated for the entire populations. Individual states are generally hovering within a ±1% of that, some better than others. Still, it is a slow, steady progress.

I’m not sure at what point it will open up to a larger group here in Michigan…still is 65+ age group, plus certain key workers (teachers, front-line workers, etc). I’m a little nervous about the coming J&J vaccine though. I really do NOT want the J&J vaccine for a few reasons, but I might not be given the choice. I guess we cross that bridge when we come to it. Hopefully it will be the Pfizer vaccine, since that is what my county has been using mostly.

My parents get their second dose March 12, though. Happy about that. I’m sure they are as well.


That’s interesting, It’s not recommended for pregnant women over here, unless they are at high risk of serious illness if they caught it.

Happy for your parents. I think they’re just a little older than mine who will get their second doses this week. Is your main concern with J&J the lower effectiveness and lack of 2nd dose? Moderna and Pfizer may have set the bar unrealistically high with their success.

That’s only one part of it.

Yeah, recommendations are varied because it hasn’t been tested on pregnant women. The ACOG recommends getting it and my OB said 100% get it if I can. Many pregnant women are passing on it but I’m comfortable with it - especially because I’m pretty far into pregnancy at 35 weeks. I’d probably think twice if I was in my 1st/2nd trimester with a lot of fetal development occurring.


A lot of people have issues with the J&J vaccine because it does use tissue lines from aborted fetuses.
But, I will say that even the Pope is saying that if you literally can’t avoid that vaccine, it’s ok, but try to avoid it.
I respect people’s concerns in this, although I personally do not have them myself. People should have say over what goes into their bodies. I wish there was some way to allow for that when signing up for the vaccine.


Funny, my mon who has hospice, can only get the J&J (hospice directive)

I also spoke too soon- the governor is allowing teachers to sign up starting the 11th.


Congrats! WA did the same yesterday. Hopefully you will be able to get vaccinated soon.


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Well done! I work as an OB/GYN NP and agree pts should get it if they are comfortable with it. We know that pregnant women have higher risk of more significant disease so that is reason alone to get it. Plus now the babe will have some antibodies. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!


Our teachers are getting the J&J vaccine here in PA. Pfizer and Moderna are going to phase 1A, which is over 65, high risk individuals and healthcare workers.

The teachers then are expected to teach in person if their school districts start to go in person, although there are already a good many schools in PA open at least hybrid or full-time in person. My kids are still 4 days per week in person. The high school, which was 2 days in person on a rotating schedule, is switching to 4 days in person in a week and a 1/2.

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We have 400,000 educators and 58,000 J & J vaccines according to the Governor. He also said he was notified that 58k was the supply for the month.

My son and his girlfriend have been in person, full day, every day. They work with autistic students. They love their work. They will come to work every day regardless of the vaccine but I hope they will have a chance soon.


Looks like PA has 200,000 staff at public and private schools and 120,000 J&J doses expected so far.

Edited to add that it looks like they are starting with 200,000. It mentions staff who work with older students will be vaccinated later. So it looks like they are prioritizing those working with the younger kids.

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My college age daughter has volunteered to work at a vaccine clinic that will be on her campus in Southern California (for the community, not students) and as a result will be able to get the vaccine this month.