Checklist & Tips for joining a Virtual Queue

I’m no expert on this, but just know I’ve seen several people on both forum and chat report that this has worked. The BG doesn’t drop off, and I’ve yet to see a firsthand report in the covid era of showing up to the RotR queue after the return window has closed and being turned away if you have a BG at all. If someone has the fine-tuned control to wait about 0.2 seconds at 7am to avoid getting too early a BG but also not miss out altogether, that would be preferable to not purposely push the envelope on a stated rule just because it’s not enforced, but good luck with that task.


@Olafsdad had a BG (single didgit) at HS, dropped his pk res, picked up a different park, hopped over to HS, late to BG and they let him and DD in :wink:


woah. I would have never even thought of this. I wonder what number group you would have to get to feel confident that it will be called after 2:00.

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The app tells you when your BG will be called, but Olafsdad was hours and hours late and they still let him in.

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Yep you can be late. And worse case if you are very late, they may transfer you to a later BG number.

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I’ve practiced 6 times now. 3 where I just clicked through w/o adding people and 3 where I took the time to add 3 add’l members who hopefully will already be added come day of.

The 3 times I clicked through, it was successful.

The 3 times I added people, I was not. We’re talking a difference if 5-7 seconds max.



I have been going back after I confirm success and trying again and yes, those few seconds is everything and the BG are always full


Absolutely right! BG’s are usually gone by 7:00:07!

(Don’t worry, your party will be selected the day you all have park reservations) :slightly_smiling_face:

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And even if not, don’t worry about it! CMs have been flexible about letting additional party members join, especially if you explain kindly what happened. Helps to have screenshots / screen cap of your attempt.

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While I’ve got the tips from the first post - is there a good video of this process? I googled and so many videos are like 20 minutes long :roll_eyes: - if no one has one handy, I’ll dig through them to find the useful part, but hoping someone has a good reference to send to a rookie.


See a link to @bebe80’s screen capture video in this post:

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I got an error when I tried it :frowning:image


Ah. He will have to give a new link then.

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Sorry, trying to get my latest screen recording to Drive…

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Thank you!!!

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I updated post 3 way up at the top. It’s a 6 second clip. Let me know if it works!

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And less than 4 seconds before you pressed the last “Join” button!

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Yep, best case scenario is one second per page. I think the BG would have been secured at 7:00:03-7:00:04.

Probably the same timing when I got BG1.

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Thank you so much for the detailed instructions and video. I practiced this morning and was successful, I feel ready for my trip…in November


Thanks so much for putting this together! I haven’t read through it all yet, but will before our trip in June.

Two questions to help with planning:

  1. If we follow all steps correctly, practice ahead of time, etc., are liners being pretty successful in getting a BG? We currently have park passes for HS for 3 days, but are really wanting to change that 3rd day to EP. Are our odds pretty good of getting a BG on at least one of the 2 days? (We were successful in getting BG in Jan 2020.)

  2. Do we have any sense of how fast the BG are going? Trying to figure out if we’d want to try again the second day if we are successful the first. (If lots of people that are giving it a decent try aren’t getting BG, we probably won’t try and let others out there get a turn.)

The family is leaning towards they’d be less disappointed in not getting to ride RotR than in missing out on more chances to eat at EP. (Not worth adding PH for one day of a 10 day trip!). But I told them I’d find out the likelihood we’d need a third attempt.

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