Chat count for private lounge ...Do we Need It

I don’t think there should be a chat limit - just a disclaimer that things are off topic and could be considered offensive by some users.


I think it’s off-putting to have tier access. I’ve been a subscriber for 7 months and have less than 850+ chats. The behavior that got me there was logging in everyday, multiple times and posting several times a day. Doesn’t that define someone as very active in the community? I think everyone who bothers to come in is active in the community. I don’t get the thresholds.

It is being compared to a “frequent flier program”. Frequent fliers get special privileges. So should they apparently.

Ok I have over 200O chats. How do I find this special area ?


HI Upper left hand corner click on ‘T’ (this brings you to top) then right under it is 'categories" the last one should be ‘subscribers only’


@999HappyHaunts, I think it will get back to that, but change is a process. There are several stages of change - just like grief. There will be various people that go through one or all of the stages - things like denial, resistance, modification, acceptance and, hopefully, back to ‘normal’. Those aren’t all of the stages and not everyone goes through all of them, but you get the idea. Currently, we, as a group are in denial and resistance - we have to gnash away at that for a while before we get to the other side. It will, most certainly, take more than a couple of days, though. :heart:

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That’s different than the Lounge though. The Lounge is only available to the top tier users

Goodness I hated high school because of the “mean” girls and I am not saying that the people are being mean but this is making me feel exactly like they did. Thought that was done with


@jec4289 Don’t let them make you feel that way. That’s not what this community is supposed to be.


Just because I don’t say something everyday, doesn’t mean I haven’t contributed to the site. I log on everyday as well, i just may not have something to say or someone else beat me to it. So, what, now I get punished for it?


I think you are still actively posting on here at the moment… if so, I think your presence would be helpful over here @LaurelStewart, thanks!

Thanks for that background info. Liners is my first chat experience and I had no idea things could go “south” so fast!

here here I agree. How am i going to get my fill of Beachmom sparkles and crazy MDU stories if we are all spread out and seperated into “classes”?


Yes, it seems mixed up to me too. But I’m a novice at chatting in general.

It shouldn’t have been said at all and the fact that it was makes me less inclined to renew when my subscription is up. I don’t have all the time in the world to sit with my face in a phone or pc screen chatting. If having a life and not having the requisite chat number means I don’t get to sit at the cool kids lunch table then I guess I don’t. The fact that the admins even set up such a thing is insulting and speaks volumes.


Way to attack people for no reason @NotThatKevinSmith and excellent effort you’ve put in to making mountains of issues from nothing.

It’s day 3. Giving constructive feedback seems to be more appropriate than your broad and mean spirited generalizations.


Maybe we all just need to think about puppies and unicorns!?!?


@MagicMN This whole thing is a mess and its not just him… There are dozens of people over on old chat who are super upset, and I don’t blame them.


@LaurelStewart @Lentesta How do I block a user? There is a user who I won’t mention here, that is sending me nasty childish PMs riddled with name calling.