Biden Administration Reportedly Considers Florida Travel Ban

Nope. I’m happy with all 4 seasons, like snow, and hate the heat and humidity of the South in the summer.

Me t​:snowflake::snowflake:

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I’ve done both also, having lived in Florida and Arizona.
I respectfully disagree. When I lived in AZ, it seemed like I could feel the moisture cooking out of my body. People always ask me what AZ was like… I tell them too turn the oven on, let it start preheating, then open the door and put your face in there. That tightening sensation in your face? That’s what walking outside in AZ felt like.
I don’t like Florida in summer either, but at least I don’t feel like a slug that’s had salt poured on it.

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Summers in the Midwest are magical. I pretty much stay inside or in the water during the day in July and August down here, but I much prefer it to staying inside november-march

Very well put. Maybe it takes an outsider’s point of view sometimes to help us put our local problems into clearer focus.


You have perfectly described August here. :joy:


I hear you and appreciate what you have to say. It even made me look at something outside of my panic box. So I say the same disclaimer. This is not aimed at you or any one person.

As a conservative, I listen to people tell me that I need to have my child taken away from me because he is being “tainted” or “brain washed” being raised in my house.

That my family should be put into camps to be re-educated. Camps. To be re-educated. WTF?

That I should do the world a favor and drink Clorox because I’m “part of the terrorist right”.

I’m afraid my husband will lose his job. I’m afraid of much worse that I can’t bring myself to type out.

These are things I have personally seen or has been said to me, directly or indirectly though news outlets, twitter/facebook/etc. To the point I deleted all my accounts because my anxiety was sky high.

I have never done the horrible things my party has often been accused of. I teach my son to help when he can and to never judge anyone before they know their story. I believe everyone should have equal opportunity in all aspects. Who to be, who to love how to work and how to live. Not my house, none of my business. So when I’m told the world would be better without my being here. Or that I shouldn’t be allowed to breed. It hurts.

That being said, our 3 branch system is…amazing. Checks and balances, it’s just a giant pendulum. Left. Right. Left. Right. Which is fantastic because it means one can’t get too big without the people voting to correct. The pendulum shifts and it’ll shift again.


That’s really interesting. Even inside?

I haven’t heard many people with that point of view.

First, sincere thanks for making it clear you’re not accusing me of thinking this. Appreciate that respect, and it’s mutual. The fact that Biden was the least “socialist” of the Dem contenders made me worry when he got the nomination, because he would be the most likely to win. I do agree with most of the point you’re making. Life goes on, no matter what people or what party is in charge, and almost any leader isn’t as good or as bad as one thinks. That’s true now, and it was true over the last 5 years with all the outrage in the opposite direction.


Don’t listen to them. They’re crazy.


I completely share your sentiments, and stay off of most social media as well or I’d have serious anxiety or high blood pressure. People here are infinitely more intelligent and kinder and understanding than the internet at large.


They really are.

Question: Why? How did that happen?

I mean it’s not because this a Disney forum: the Disney forums on Facebook have plenty of crazies.


I think it’s because we are more open as our real selves instead of anonymous digital avatars. (Well, most of us anyway. :smile:) It’s easier to be an extreme / radicalized / impolite version of yourself when there are no consequences and you don’t see the humanity of the other person. Most of us would never treat people face to face the way we sometimes treat others online.


<3 I appreciate that more than you know. Seriously. Thank you.


I also think it has to do to a certain extent with the data driven nature of the TP concept. It definitely attracts a different sort of person. A few people I know have told me they tried TP, but it was too complicated, they just wanted to be told what to do, not analyze and extrapolate everything.


Would you be surprised to know that August is one of my favorite times to visit AZ? But only if there are monsoons! Down where my dad lives in Cochise County, everything is green and grasses/weeds are taller than your knees on the sides of the highway. And the storms … are amazing.

When I was younger, any kind of humidity with heat gave me a raging migraine. I remember family trips to Iowa in the summer where I basically couldn’t function. Give me the dry heat (and loads of moisturizer) any day.


I also think the niche of being an adult Disney fanatic plays a role. People that go to a Disney park with any regularity, which is almost all of us here, and why we’re here, require some significant disposable income, and more often than not, means you kind of have things together in your life (at least financially) to some extent. That mindset might lead one to not be as likely to be extremely bitter with the world or political opponents and need to lash out constantly, if you’re not panicking every two weeks about how to pay bills before your next check. It’s a hypothesis anyway.

I really like this group here because there’s a sense that everyone is comfortable with who they are and genuinely want to share their own Disney knowledge and excitement with anyone and everyone else. I disagree about a lot of things, but I haven’t come across anyone here who is not worthy of respect in the way they present themselves.


I love monsoon season! But this year we had virtually no rain all year. :scream:

I am one of the crazies who actually likes summer in Arizona. I have poor circulation and can never get warm in the winter, even in Arizona.

To an extent, yes. Home central air units don’t cool to the temps you see in casinos or shopping centers. The coolest I could ever get my house in AZ was 80. :flushed: And the SRP bill (electric) was not pretty!


I am the same. Purple fingernails and all.