Biden Administration Reportedly Considers Florida Travel Ban

Huh. Weird.

That, like, never happens



My personal opinion is that some news outlets are desperately trying to drum up the whole “Biden wants to take away all your rights!” sentiment among a certain demographic. And based on how this is going through the internet, it’s working.


There will be media outlets on both sides drumming up fear of the opposing party’s president until the end of time. A small amount of truth mixed with a huge amount of hyperbole to sift through, whether D or R.


I agree, but people seem to be exceptionally vulnerable to it at the moment.


We flew to Hawaii in January, and if we had to cancel due to a positive test 2 days before we would have just rescheduled our flights. Luckily we were all negative and it all worked perfectly. I don’t see airlines giving refunds at this point, not with making it pretty easy to reschedule. The answer to me is that trip insurance needs to become a part of many people’s plans. We bought it (for the first time ever), for the condo in Hawaii, and made sure to buy a plan with “cancel for Covid” protection. This ensures you will get reimbursed for your travel expenses if you have to cancel for a positive pre-arrival test. It wasn’t very expensive (I think $125 for a family of 4, covered almost 5K in non refundable condo costs). It wouldn’t have been much more to include flight costs, we just didn’t as we knew we could reschedule Alaska Air flights easily.


That may be. I don’t even use Facebook, so I’m not aware of the extent of people’s outrage. As a conservative (sorry :grimacing:), I’m definitely somewhat concerned about some things being too restrictive in this administration, but I try not to lose my head over what-ifs and wait to see what actually happens. There are a lot on my side who are out of control from the election and haven’t recovered yet.


Wait. You mean this thread isn’t about how Biden is considering not taking his vacation in Florida?


I call that close enough. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


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I feel this so much. As a born and raised southerner who spent 4 years in Minnesota and 5 in Cleveland, there is so much “bless your hearting” by midwesterners when it comes to their southern friends who burrow underground at the first snowflake.

My theory is that they’re mad our weather is so much better.

However, they’re not wrong. Now that I know how to drive in the snow it’s downright scary to drive in VA during bad weather.

Also, I kind of do love midwesterners. Just not the midwest.


100% true. :wink:

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I like snow.


I do too, to a point, but not the amount we’ve gotten the last couple weeks along with temps around or below zero. We’re approaching “what if we really did make a plan to move to Florida” territory.

I love winter. I hate anything warmer than 75 ish. I would love a Disney park in a cooler climate. I know it’s not gonna happen, but it would be heaven.

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We had weeks in MN where the temp never hit 0. Weeks. Snow was the least of our worries, although snow from early October to early May will suck away your soul and replace it with tater tot hot dish.


Yeah, on second thought, I don’t want to deal with FL from about June to October. Being a snowbird sounds ideal, but the schematics just wouldn’t work for me anytime soon.

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Wimps! lol

(I say as I too would never live in Florida in the summer.)


The following is not aimed directly at @Tall_Paul1. It’s just inspired by what he said.

News outlets (especially in the US) and social media have done a superb job of getting people to worry about things that their own eyes and experiences could easily confirm are not true.

Anyone who thinks Biden is a socialist doesn’t know what socialism is. Anyone who thinks Biden is going to destroy America by turning it into a socialist state doesn’t understand how America actually works.

My experience is that changes of government only affect me marginally if at all. I bet that’s pretty common. My taxes have gone up and down. Mostly up. That’s the main thing I notice. The only personal experience I have of Brexit is that the value of the pound fell and so Apple products and Disney holidays became more expensive.

You can focus on all the lying and catastrophising that went on during the US election, but the net result was actually pretty positive — the system worked. Most people did their jobs and they did them the way they were supposed to. The “Trump” judges held against Trump because, well, they’re judges first and they called it as they saw it, as they were sworn to do. Pressure was put on officials and those officials resisted it and did their jobs. The US, it turns out, is not Myanmar.

There are crazies on the internet who think Biden is trying to destroy Florida by imposing a travel ban. But that is clearly crazy. He has a view of how to minimise loss of life and return the US to how things used to be. Actually, pretty much that’s what they’re all trying to do. They just disagree on the best way.

If you’re worried about Biden, wait to see what he actually does. And then wait to see what effect it actually has. If history is a guide it will, for most people, be both a lot less than they hoped and a lot less than they feared.


Having lived in both South Florida and Southern Nevada, I take 120 degrees 5% humidity all day long over 75-90 degrees with 75% humidity.

In Florida the humidity was everywhere, inside and out. It was inescapable. In Nevada, you step into the shade and it’s an immediate 10 degree difference. Step into a casino or in any building and you almost need a sweater, even at 120 outside.

Also in June, FL has those bugs the size of my first car that hit you in the face as you walk around. And the windshields after driving from Fort Lauderdale to Orlando…forget about it. It’s 20 minutes of scrubbing guts minimum. Vegas, check your shoes for scorpions before putting them on. That’s about it.


I don’t understand the restrictions. One person above said make it like New York but if you look at the numbers of cases and deaths recently in New York and Florida it is hard to make a case that what New York is doing is better or safer. I don’t want to go down a political rabbit hole but numbers do not suggest causing restrictions to airline travel at this point. If you feel unsafe flying, going to restaurants, or going to Disney then you should not do those activities. I have seen numerous people
Asking how safe Disney World is right now because they are concerned. If you have concerns you should stay away.