Back to Normal with Vaccine?

So you don’t provide it.

That’s not a HIPAA violation. A violation would occur if they accessed your record without your consent.

You can consent to provide access or not.

But if you don’t provide the documentation, you don’t get in.


Ok fair point. I admit I’m a little fuzzy on exactly what HIPAA can and can’t do.
I don’t personally have a problem providing it.

You’ve just opened the door to black market vax certs :woman_facepalming::joy::joy:


I’m having a lot of fun imagining a scenario in which folks who provide evidence of their covid vaccination get a longer ADR window or other park perks. It would never happen like that, but for some people I bet that alone would be sufficient incentive.


Is that basically what schools do? I am not too certain as I vaccinate my kiddos for anything and everything I can and send those records to their schools but I do know it’s a requirement to enroll in our school district as I just moved my daughter two years ago and remember. I would assume if you had some medical/religious reason the school would still allow you in though with the proper documentation.

I think once all their CMs are vaccinated (or at least can be) they can lift restrictions. At that point it becomes the responsibility of guests to ensure they are protected for themselves and take on any liability if they choose not to. But Disney is ultimately responsible for their employees.


No problem for me… I don’t want the vaccine. :wink:

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Just throwing this out there as I’m at school and don’t have much time, but I have been discussing the vaccine with my students today (I’m a junior high Science teacher for reference). I estimate that about half of my students today have emphatically stated they will NOT be getting the vaccine, and some of this is coming from my top academic students. I think it shows the mindset of many adults in our part of the state when it come to COVID, even though our numbers are skyrocketing more than ever.


I am going to start camping out in the line for the vaccine- today.


This probably varies a little based on state law. Here in NH we do need a release.

I would have been happy to be part of a trial.


I would’ve if I could’ve. Having an immune comprised kid and an autoimmune disease probably precludes me, so I never tried.

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I think some of the people who don’t plan to get the vaccine, are those worried about possible long-term side effects. People can say as much as they want that there is no risk, but it’s impossible to know 100% without long-term testing. I am on the fence, and won’t be first in line to get it. I’ll also talk to my doctor about it and hear her advice. I might lean towards maintaining a high level of hygiene rather than getting the vaccine immediately.


That’s probably a safe plan. and what’s that meme questioning why hygiene is just now a thing…


Haha yes, we need one!

Not trying to start a vaccine debate here, but everything in life is a risk. If the risk is death from a vaccine or death from Covid, I could see people being more adverse. A LOT of the debate around vaccines however, revolves around neurological effects, specifically autism.
And I used to think that way myself. After my youngest got very sick though, I had to reevaluate. And along with that I realized that it was incredibly wrong of me to avoid vaccination for fear of autism. Aside from the fact that he was already unvaccinated at that time and the most severely autistic of my children, the idea that autism is worse than death is kinda disgusting. I no longer think vaccines cause autism, but even if they did, I still think that death is a far worse outcome. In just about every case, the risk of getting the disease and dying is far worse.


I am on the fence as well. It’s not that I am in denial of the virus, or falling into Darwin lines. I know this is a current issue worldwide. I am heavily thinking of long term consequences. I will be listening to my family doctor, my specialists, and my OBGYN, for sure. Not discrediting anything. But, I do worry about putting my 11 yr DD and my 19 yr DD in line, just to find out in 10 years they now have female issues related to the vaccine. Yes, I know, just isolate a protein, wham-bam done. It still scares me, and it’s why I’m on the fence and listening to all the information from my doctors and weighing my parental decisions and guidance heavily.


I can’t find it but these will do for a bit of humor



Totally agree!

These are great! :smiley:

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