Back to Normal with Vaccine?

Well I think it’s a general principle in law that you can always waive your own privacy rights.
The process just gets trickier if the info is held by a practitioner or other third party and then they need permission etc.
But if the CM just needs a letter/Dr’s Note to confirm then I wouldn’t anticipate any issues.

fake docs.

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Well, I meant legal problems in terms of WDW saying a CM should demand my medical info.
Not the veracity of that info.

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After looking more into the history of “long term effects” of vaccinations, the truth is, there have very rarely been any such cases. Any many of the cases that were initially thought to POSSIBLY have concerning long-term effects were later determined not to be the case. In fact, when you look at “risks” listed associated with vaccinations mentioning Guillaume-Barre syndrome, it is simply because there were cases of people getting it after the vaccinations, but never able to 100% conclusively prove it wasn’t causal even though the evidence is it wasn’t causal at all.

That isn’t to say that there haven’t been vaccinations that haven’t caused issues…but they are extremely rare, and protections in place to prevent those situations.

In the case of this vaccine, I have almost zero concern because it is NOT based on some new technology or medicine, really. It is a effectively a tried-and-true methodology being applied to a novel virus. And the appearance of “rushing” being done isn’t because corners are being cut, but because they streamlined the things that would normally slow the process down (the red tape). Even the production of the vaccine was being done BEFORE it was tested so that the normal delay you would see between approval and availability was effectively eliminated. This was a highly costly and risky way to do it, but it was an “all hands on deck” situation, since it would mean that if the vaccine didn’t pass the trials, there would be millions of doses produced that would just need to be thrown away.


Only Way to Deal with Fake Docs



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When I saw this thread had grown to 66 replies I was terrified it would have devolved into bickering about vax vs anti-vax, I appreciate the people on this board acting like adults and having rational conversations.


We must be doing something wrong then. I mean, we’re grown adults, sure…but we’re all about Disney, so I think that means we’re acting like kids! :wink:


Just as a curious question…Has anyone used the Apple notification for the possible exposure? Plan to have it turned on or did have it turned on at Disney?
I finally updated my phone, and saw that was now an option to turn on.
I know, old news, my update was in a late batch, and I don’t have the newest, shiniest brick Apple sells. :laughing:

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where do I find that on my phone? do tell…

lol there’s still time :wink:


I thought this was interesting

Your arm will hurt, you’ll feel like crud

Even without an FDA approved vaccine, anecdotal information from the five Phase 3 clinical trials now underway for COVID-19 vaccines indicates this is not a painless vaccine.

“This is a nasty vaccine to get," said Dr. William Schaffner, a vaccine expert and professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University. "It really makes your arm sore. It can make you feel crummy for 24 hours. And remember, it’s a two-dose vaccine. Well, guess what – the second dose is worse than the first.”

The last thing the vaccination campaign needs is the first groups of people who get the shots to show up on TV saying they felt like “crud” for a day or two, said Dr. Eric Toner, a senior scholar with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.

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More painful than the pneumonia vaccine?

it doesn’t seem to be available for my state (Wisconsin) yet. Each time I try to turn it on, it gives me an error that it’s unavailable in my area. Too bad, since Milwaukee is spiking for the last month or so.

They are saying worse than Prevnar, yes.

I don’t know but it has to be better than contracting COVID


could it be due to the temperature?

Sounds like the normal flu vaccine. Arm is always sore for a day or two. I learned to minimize this you should continually move your arm after the shot the first day.

And the feeling bad is common for the flu vaccine (some mistakenly thing they got the flu from it) because it triggers an immune response similar to if you had the flu. Of course it is short lived.

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On iOS, select Settings -> Exposure Notifications -> Turn on Exposure Notifications -> Continue -> (select your country) -> (select your state)

I haven’t gotten further than this since Wisconsin doesn’t seem to be using this system yet.

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