3, 2, 1, Launch: Heads up! (up to date Launch times to help you look up to the skies while you're in the parks)

here’s the ‘watch in person’ link: Kennedy Space Center Rocket Launch Viewing - Space Launch Schedule

I hope there’s a launch when I’m there next month.

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Here’s the site w/ the schedule. Launch List - Space Coast Launches


The day after I leave… of course…


dang it!
When my kids were visiting there was one launch and grandson missed it b/c DD and I were at the commissary and the guys at home couldn’t figure out where to look? :thinking: :expressionless: :zipper_mouth_face: :roll_eyes:

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Yeah, I’m missing out too.
I think there used to be one scheduled for 1 May but I think launching Starlink satellites to support Ukraine have thrown the original schedule out the window

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Launches are canceled and rescheduled all the time so there is hope :wink:


Guess we can just be grateful Canaveral isn’t run by Southwest


:rofl: :laughing: :rofl:
nope… but it is run by the weather :wink:

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If that 6/6 Artemis 1 launch was delayed by, let’s say, exactly 5 days, I’d not be the saddest person on the Disney Fantasy that day.

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:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

Advisory: BrevardEOC At level 2 activation for launch

Dear Nixle User,

We have activated our launch operations support team in preparation for the SpaceX Falcon9 Starlink launch. Window: 11:04AM - 2:04PM

Pretty big launch window today. Dark clouds keep rolling by here this morning.

Thursday, 21 April

a different reason to look to the heavens (today is 5/14/2022)

A total lunar eclipse will turn the moon red on Sunday.

  • What is a total lunar eclipse? When the Earth is perfectly lined up between the sun and moon, blocking the moon from the sun’s light. This usually happens once or twice a year.
  • How to watch: It should be visible just about everywhere in the U.S. The best time to look will be from 10:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. Eastern time.
  • What else to know: Scientists released the first image of the black hole in the middle of our galaxy yesterday. See it here.

Advisory: BrevardEOC At level 2 activation for launch

Dear Nixle User,

We have activated our launch operations support team in preparation for the SpaceX Falcon9 Transporter launch. Window: 2:25-3:24PM.

I predict now that this launch will be cancelled due to weather but here it is anyway

It’s a go???