Will we use them? UPDATE: Not exactly

My daughter in 11th grade has started getting college solicitations out the wazoo. She gets excited for each one, then goes online and sees they don’t offer her major and then gets pissed off. :rofl:

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My daughter will most likely be going to CC also. One, it’s the only school in the state that offers a degree in her chosen field. And two, NJ had free CC for most in state residents, and I’ve already told her I won’t go 100k into student loan debt. She needs to get a scholarship or figure it out herself. You are totally not alone in that thinking!


Wow, so many of us with kids that are getting ready for college!
My son is a junior in high school this year, and I was feeling so badly that we haven’t had college fairs or been able to visit college campuses. I asked him if he had thought about which schools he might like to check out and he said “Mom, I have no idea what I’m doing, I think I should go to community college and figure out what I like”. This may have been one of the most mature things he’s ever said :rofl:
I think CC is a great idea, because I am not down with spending $50k+ for my son to get an idea of what he likes. I spent 2 years at a CC before transferring into Univ of Michigan and getting my nursing degree, it saved me a ton of money.


very smart kid

I got a 4 year liberal arts degree to the tune of a hefty pricetag only to go to community college two years after graduating to become an RN (and then completing BSN through an online program 10 years later). I am very much pro community college


And so many kids flunk out due to partying too much. By Junior year that is less likely.
Although I went the opposite route, I started out terrified I would flunk out so I kept my nose to the grindstone, then parties/social life kept increasing every year.

My cousin’s son and my grandniece were considering tech school even before covid. They’re kinda like my youngest sister; grades were like: As in subjects she liked and Cs in the rest. :grin:

DH and I went to tech school on our GI bill. Boat mechanics and civil engineering techs made decent money in the 80s and 90s. And done in 2 years.

@OBNurseNH I can’t find your thread with your Kafkaesque APR experience, but did you snag reservations for 10/1 yet? I know @PrincipalTinker posted in chat that some were available the other day.

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I had read @Nicky_S’s report on it. @OBNurseNH what is the best way to let you know if we see it!

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Nope and I check all the time.

You can text me? I think you have my text

Yes! Will do!

Late to the thread… beautiful pictures!:heart_eyes:

Have you considered having some senior pictures taken at WDW? I’m imagining jetes in front of some WDW iconic things. Plus the grounds are so lush. Just a thought.

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My DD19 could never keep her feet still. I had a teacher ask if we wanted her evaluated for ADHD in elementary school bc she would stand at the teacher’s desk and constantly shuffle or have some step movement going.
She was in dance for 16 years, starting at age 3. It was not the competitive kind, and was not a the type for a path to professional dance. Just a good place for kids to learn poise, balance, and have a fun time. She still has her feet going non stop, with some kind of song that she has playing in her Airpods or just humming along in her head.


I have that very thought. I need to do some preplanning for that. I’ve seen some amazing photos done for senior pictures at WDW.

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