Why aren’t we talking about Encanto?

I loved Bolt but I sobbed at several parts.

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Bolt is one of the very few Disney animated films that I have not seen. It wasn’t until recently that I even knew it was Disney.


I won’t pretend it is for everyone… I can’t even claim it has an amazing story, or fabulous animation. But it was a movie all of my kids instantly loved and I could rewatch endlessly.

This totally unexpected happenstance in 2016 was the highlight of our DHS day.


I haven’t seen it yet. In the before times, we weren’t that fond of crowds and movie theaters and would only go for very select movies. Now? I’d rather watch on our theater system in theater chairs I’m not afraid of getting lice, bugs, or germs from. This is not a new thing, by the way. It’s just intensified.

I am looking forward to watching it on Disney+, though.


I love the theater experience (mostly - sometimes it is too loud).
There are so many movies I would have liked to have seen on the big screen that I won’t bother with now.
Our friends have a HUGE screen in their new house. That would be cool!!!


Ours is pretty large and we have a great sound system. It’s actually a much better setup than a movie theater.

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Ok I’m really disappointed in all of us. 26 posts and no one has given the obvious and correct answer.
Why aren’t we talking about encanto? Because…


(I’ll see myself out)


I would be mad at you for getting that song stuck in my head except that it’s already been in my head for two weeks so no harm, no foul. :slight_smile:


haven’t seen it, but we never go to the movies. Waiting for the Disney + version!

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Much to my chagrin, we just put a TV on the main floor of the house. Yesterday, while I was cooking, my girls were watching Luca.

Bruno and Antonio are character names in both Luca and Encanto.

Just an observation.
Weird for repetition in movies so close together?


We watched Encanto tonight. So good! Really enjoyed it.

@QwertySC I actually wondered if it was a Pixar Easter egg to have Bruno in both movies. (We’re watching Luca again now since DD21 hadn’t seen it yet!) In Luca, Bruno isn’t a real character. He’s the voice inside you that says you can’t or you’re not good enough.


I was wrong about Antonio when we rewatched Luca.

My little girls went to bed sad last night because we couldn’t fit in Encanto. We stayed at church so long after service talking, and then we spent a long time eating. And then there was the family game. And then it was just too late. We did watch five minutes of it just to “show everyone how great it was,” and “get them all excited to watch it tomorrow.”


I tried watching yesterday with the boys, but I can’t try to watch any new movie that I’m really excited about for the first time with them. The attention span isn’t there. So then I tried again after the boys went to bed, but by the time we finished getting everything ready, there wasn’t time to watch the whole thing. So basically I’ve watched it through half way twice now, but I already love it and I am so excited to finish it.


If I thought there was actually a way for either of us to forfeit mom-duties for a few hours, I’d meet you at Regal and we could enjoy it on the big screen.


Great minds!! I was about to say the same thing!!

On a related note, between Silencio Bruno! And We don’t talk about Bruno! I really want to know what someone named Bruno did to someone at Disney to get such a reputation! :rofl::rofl:


Those photos with Bolt from 2016 were awesome. The kid in our house loved Bolt. Bolt starred in many home movies - even “flying” across the living room. (Bolt was a white plush dog with a Sharpie-induced bolt on his side).

Nowadays Togo is the best. Disney. movie. ever.

However we were just recently talking, from a Moana music lead-in, about Encanto and why haven’t we seen it???
And then Kelly Clarkson recently had Linn Manuel Miranda on her show altho that might have been a repeat. He is apparently a huge Little Mermaid fan.


Just watched it last night, and thoroughly enjoyed it! Even my son came in to sit in the room and watched it, which is saying a lot. He normally does not.


I was thinking the same!

Also Mirabel’s mother is Julieta and the amazing girl in Luca is Giulietta!


I just said we should watch this next. My DD21 doesn’t think I should. Does it have a sad ending?


I think it’s a great movie.
Sad? Hmmm. My kids don’t like the injustice of Balto, but it is such a well executed movie.

My two-cents: settle in and just let yourself enjoy the depth of the photography and let the story unravel. While the action scenes are fast and intense, the story paces along slowly and it’s visually lovely.