Which Do You Prefer (Chart Styles for Lines 2.0)

The charts below are meant to show you today’s estimated wait times at an attraction. The idea is that you can look at the chart to determine when the best time is to visit the attraction, between now and the rest of the day. The red dot represents the current wait right now.

Which of the two chart options below do you prefer?

To make it easier for us to compile results, please begin your answer with either “Option A” or “Option B”. Add comments as necessary.

The difference in the charts is that Option A’s x-axis starts with the current time. So the leftmost dot will always be “now”, at any time in the day. Option B’s x-axis begins at park opening, so data to the left of the red dot is in the past.

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Option A - Current Time

Option B

I like seeing the past to see how it has been trending as well and where it is predicted to go.

Option B

Option B - it is more intuitive

Option B

If I’m exploring the site but in the parks, this option gives me a better picture of traffic patterns.

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Option B

Option A current time.

Option A: Current Time

I’m not a data collector. If I were, I’d want the other option.

I use this type of information when I’m in the parks and looking for what’s best right now.


Option A seems like it would be more useful while you are in the park.


Option A


Option B

I like seeing all the data - and this chart is so super easy to read (which is great!!) I don’t think it hurts anything to see the times in the past. It seems very easy to pick out the current time with the red dot.

One suggestion is adding a vertical line at the current time in option B, and maybe different colors under the curve before/after the line, to make the current time easier to find


Option b

Option A

This would be best for on the ground decisions, but perhaps there is an option to click “see full day” if you want a picture of the overall trend for the day.

Assuming that the plot points and line are based on predicted times, I would only be interested in see the times prior to “now” if those plot points are being updated with actual data.


Option A current time

Option B

Option B with a current time line per @MagaPatalogica suggestion

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Option B

Option A
If I’m using the app like this I’m in the park so I only need wait times from the current time onward