We’re on our way to WDW from Bradenton(visiting in-laws) right now. The weather is absolutely BEAUTIFUL down here right now😍. 86 and sunny. Coming from NC and the 30s, we are in heaven. I’m going to do a Kind-of live trip report. It will probably be short on words and details, but I’ll share anything interesting that we run into. I’ll also try to give feedback on any add-ons that we do. A quick break-down of trip deets:
8 folks: DH, DS8, DD10, DD5, Sis, BIL, DN
Staying in a 2BR Lock-off @ Boardwalk Villas on rented points(we usually stay WL, but wanted to try something different.
We are doing MK DAH tonight, and then we’ll probably split up a bit as a group for the rest of the week.
Ok…This will be my last wordy post. We’ve got about 1 more hour to drive before:tada:!
I just got our room ready text, and actually received the exact room that I requested through TP! I honestly didn’t expect to get it, as BWV didn’t seem to have a very good track record for granting requests. No clown pool + DHS fireworks view= one very happy me🙂.
nice! what room?
Hilarious title
I’m impressed that you got it😉
Have fun!!!
Looks so nice! Excited to follow along!
How has nobody used this title before? It’s genius!
Y’all, MK is a zoo right now We’re not too stressed about it, though. We’re FP-ing PP right now, and HM after. I made a 7DMT FP that I had to cancel because it was too early to get there through the mass, but hopefully we will catch it in DAH…
Your pictures are fabulous.
Thank you! I am actually a pretty bad photographer, so I’m lucky that there is just inherently pretty stuff to take pictures of here.