WDW for the (over) cautious(ly paranoid)

Oh but Salisbury doesn’t!! It’s definitely my favourite of those that I’ve visited and that includes Notre Dame, Westminster (Ok, not a cathedral) and loads of Scottish ones.

I don’t really know what it is about it. The grounds, the spire, the organ, the cloister?? No idea, but I just loved it and I guarantee you will too!! Can’t wait for you to enjoy yourself in this cruise :crossed_fingers:t2::yellow_heart: (When is it?)

Will you get to go to Stonehenge when you’re in Salisbury, or is it just the town?


Embarkation is a week tomorrow.

That was on offer as a separate excursion. I was pretty sure I’d prefer the cathedral. I feel like Stonehenge is probably five seconds of “yeah, wow, cool” followed by “when are we allowed back in the coach”. Whereas you can easily spend an hour in a cathedral and take dozens of photos.


It was definitely underwhelming to me; stones in a circle dwarfed by vast swaths of flat land all around. It’s nice to say I’ve seen them, but they are definitely one and done for me.


When I was much younger I traveled to the UK to visit with friends (one just east of London and the others in a small town outside of York). We actually made the decision to visit Avebury instead of Stonehenge because we were able to walk amongst the stones and even touch them!

I took two trips to visit, two or three years apart. Tons of fun. Stuck mostly to London and York on my first visit but the second one we did a bunch of traveling, Bath, Avebury, Windsor, Leeds, Canterbury, Dover, Stratford upon Avon, Warwick, …and then took a 24 hour trip up the A1 from outside of York to Edinborough. It literally rained from the time we crossed the border into Scotland until we crossed back over the following afternoon! :upside_down_face:

Absolutely loved my time there and my friends (all from the UK) had fun too because they had never done almost any of the tourist stuff we did!

I think my two favorite cathedrals were Yorkminster and Canterbury …although they were all beautiful!




York Minster



Well at least she got this bit right :rofl:


Hey…give me a break, my last visit was in 1994!! :sunglasses:

Do I get any points back for sharing that I cringe every time someone pronounces our local town of Worcester (in Pennsylvania) as Wore Chester instead of Wooster?

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Only if you like the sauce :wink::laughing:

As long as you pronounce Edinburgh as Eh-din-bruh and not Eh-din-borrow.

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It is part of our standard marinade for steak…which we had last night. :upside_down_face:


I do!


In return I will say Are-kan-saw, Loss Anjelis and Noo Or-lunz.


I pronounce Are Kan Saw as Ar Kansas in my head all the time but that is to be purposefully wrong, not because I don’t know better! :wink:

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Kind of like when you are spelling Wednesday? I do that…

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That was my first thought.

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:raising_hand_man: Me too.

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I obviously was looking for cruise news on the wrong thread! LOL

I have been to Salisbury Cathedral - it’s amazing! I believe one of my ancestors is buried there. I’m sure half of England could say the same.


I went to England with my mother back in the 80’s. We did both Stonehenge and Avebury. Both impressive, but it was cool to not have to stand so far back at Avebury. We also drove from tip to top on that island and stopped to see many a stone circle in a farmer’s field.

@sanstitre_has_left_the_building I am wrong. I went to Canterbury Cathedral, not Salisbury. Wishful thinking, I guess. And it is at Canterbury that I have an ancestor buried, although perhaps one at Salisbury too. :joy:


I’ve been to Stonehenge but made the advance booking to enter the circle of stones. You still can’t touch the stones, but it was amazing to watch the sunrise from inside the circle. I was there with my husband for his 40th birthday. It was an amazing trip. Visited Glastonbury, Tintagel castle… Oh how I miss travelling. And we love Scotland. Well, the UK has to be one of our favorite countries to visit. So much love even for the rain in Scotland.

I was reading because I relate to the feeling and anxiety… I have a trip planned for March next year, but we have been isolated (almost) since March 2020. I really don’t know how I would react near so many people. In my early stages of planning I have a lot of restaurants chosen, the ones we always repeat, but last week I started thinking about checking only quick service so that we could eat outdoors. Well… now there’s news that de delta variant is transmissible even outdoors… and I don’t really know what to think.
My husband and I are waiting to get our second dose, but my daughter is 2, so no vaccine for a while. I’m planning on wearing masks all the time and I hope the weather won’t be too hot yet in March.
I was really worried about the plane at first, but after reading about the air circulation, recycling and everything, I felt confident to take a late flight, try to sleep most of the flight and avoid unmasking as much as possible.


Today my wife got covid tested because she is having cataract surgery. We flew Delta from ND to FL. we did the Universal Studios thing for a week, Tested Negative. July 20th to the 27th.