Update to Mask Policy for Restaurants


I am finding more and more - and am (though shouldn’t be) amazed at how much better kids are at handling masks than some adults (unless they are being prodded to whine by mommy and daddy). I’ve stated how well my self-contained special education class (meaning they are not capable of functioning in the general education environment even with supports) 4th and 5th graders have handled masks. 100% compliance without complaint from the start of the school year. It’s so much a part of their zeitgeist now that when I finished our “The Lorax” themed door for Dr. Seuss Week, they all said “He’s got a great yellow mask on!!” when they saw his mustache (The Lorax’s mustache is very large and covers his mouth).


Honesty, the same can be said back. If you’re worried about people not wearing masks properly, don’t go to a theme park. Wait until the vaccine is available to everyone and the chances of transmission are more diminished. As much as I would love every person being “just” and “fair” and following rules. It doesn’t happen.

That post about Ubering to Contemporary is a perfect example of it. People try to bypass the TTC by mobile ordering at the Contemporary so they have an easier/faster walk? How is that fair to the people who pay for the privilege’s of staying on site for the same benefits? I have to deal with longer lines at security, both coming into the parking lot, and at the bag check on the path. Additionally, I can never find a decent spot in the parking lot, watching people park then walk straight to the path to MK. Isn’t that ganking the system or finding loopholes? As an owner…it straight pisses me off tbh. My #1 pet peeve, and yet that’s not only deemed ok, it’s actually encouraged here in the forums.

Or is it only the loopholes you personally don’t agree with that’s the issue?


I think this is perfectly reasonable.


Thank you for pointing out the hypocrisy here with using loopholes, many of which can be argued to be detrimental to someone else. I hadn’t gotten that far. This forum is largely about hacks and loopholes.


Just a general thought I’ve been having - not directed at anyone in particular or even on a specific subject:

Everyone has a right to complain or be annoyed / pissed / angry about something. And to express those feelings here if we feel the need. I am glad here on the forum we tend to lean more toward the positive - no one wants to open this forum and be bombarded by negativity constantly. But we also want to have a chance to vent on occasion and that’s ok too. I’m grateful we give each other space to do so and are courteous and respectful regardless of whether we agree with the person’s complaint or even think it is a valid thing to complain about. It’s a forum - a place for open, respectful discussion.



I agree that it is very impressive that people on the forum can disagree respectfully. We are human, and sometimes we all can interpret an intent, or tone in others. I think we should be careful here.


Yes, I agree. If I was worried about other people and how they wear their masks, I wouldn’t go out in public. You take a risk in going out because you can’t control what other people do. If Disney wants to enforce masks and social distancing, then they can and they can do what they need to to ensure compliance since DW is private property. But I don’t agree with fellow patrons policing each other. If you don’t like a situation, whether it is mask or no mask, or whatever the case may be, then leave that situation.

Not that I don’t mind a good vent or complaint every now and then because everyone needs to blow off some steam.


Yes!! Exactly!

You were able to say what I was thinking much better than I did/could have.

I cancelled my trip for specifically this reason. I will return when mask vs no mask is less of an issue for my own peace of mind.




So, if this went into immediately there is no change yet. Everyone is still sitting at the table without masks

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Can’t say I do much loopholing (if any but I’ll leave that open a bit to possibility in case I am mistaken) honestly. If you don’t know I’m a bit of a rule follower - even when I don’t like the rules. - then you don’t know me (and I know that you don’t). I believe that rules help things to function fairly and in an orderly fashion. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Not really. But I know a group that is. Let me know if you’re interested in really seeing that crap in action. This forum ain’t got nothing on that.


Any loopholes I think about are pretty tame and harmless, and nothing beyond what’s commonly discussed here. I don’t want to give the wrong impression that I’m more of a rebel than I am. I just like to save money and add convenience wherever possible, within reason.


That’s what I do respect about you to be honest. I’m the same way.

I know it sounds condescending, but it’s not meant that way.


A thousand times yes. Here’s the way I see it- we’re all muddling through this together, and the rules change from state to state, even from city to city in the same state, even between blocks in the same city… but variants aside, the virus doesn’t change.

What’s “right” shouldn’t depend on where you are- but somehow it does.

So it’s natural for us to feel very frustrated at times. The goalposts are constantly moving, the advice constantly shifting.

We need to be kind to each other. Let the authorities do the policing.


Funny, me too. I have been pretty honest about it- I just never could see the fun in planning Disney outside of the rules. Where is the challenge in planning an amazing trip if you use the hacks?

That being said, I know them all and will not judge others if the world returns to the “old ways” and someone wants to know about dummy profiles or leading reservations (if they work).

I fully understand that it is my issue that I do not see time saving/money saving strategies the same as how to work around Disney’s covid safety protocols.


I respect your opinion, and realize your perspective is different than mine based on profession, locality, and other things. I challenge a small number of rules that I feel may be unnecessary, excessive, etc if I don’t feel they really make a difference or add value. And I know saying that is always a point of argument. Thank you for allowing dissenting opinions on the forum and not simply cancelling them.


I believe passionately that hearing opinions that contradict our own can potentially help us learn and grow.

Of course, I am crazy so no one should listen to me…




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