Update to Mask Policy for Restaurants

100% agree…as long you eventually come to agree with me. :wink:


I wish they had specifically said this. Because I read this more as a between bite thing. Which sounds very difficult as a parent busy helping two toddlers eat and not getting bites/sips of my own very often. And someone here recently shared a CM interaction while drinking water. I can’t remember who. That’s what I thought of when I first read this update.

If they’re tightening up this rule in order to increase indoor eating capacity, I would be even less likely to eat indoors than I am now. In the last year we’ve had one lunch indoors during off hours and at Disney we only ate our dole whip inside so it was less than 15 minutes.

I think they figured people would be capable of figuring out that “actively eating and drinking” means while the food and drink is on your table and didn’t need it 100% spelled out.

I do not think it is to increase capacity as much as it is to keep the table turnover as expected and not constantly getting behind because people are dawdling and tying up tables.


Hmmmm. :heart: this

Early on I wondered out loud how we could put space craft into orbit, but we couldn’t provide PPE that put the onus of protection on the wearer. Most of our issues would be gone if we’d offer up a “mask protects the wearer” POV. Then the ones who are concerned (guest, employee, whatever) could wear as many as they wanted and the unconcerned could experience life on their terms.

And this just aggravates me. Science could have created that easily. Still could. But where’s the money and control in that?


But it doesn’t just protect the wearer. It’s been proven that if both parties wear masks, the rate of transmission goes down compared to when only one wears a mask.

I will NEVER understand the mentality that community responsibility doesn’t matter.

The other aspect of this is that private entities have every right to make their own rules. People entering a private space have no right to expect that their desire to ignore them or “get around them” should mean others stay home. People can’t make educated decisions about whether it’s safe based on rules that people may or may not choose to follow. It is not an unreasonable expectation that people should expect others to follow the rules.


Respectfully, (I wish I was as eloquent or well spoken as other posters, bear with me) the other side of this issue isn’t advocating running around within inches of peoples faces and coughing/screaming/spitting etc.

We believe in community responsibility, without it being slammed down our throats while being ignored by the people screaming most about it (i.e. governors who are dining in restaurants with people outside their household, mask less, while demanding everyone else stay home).

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Yes, that’s true, within a certain radius where distancing cannot make a difference. I think @qwerty6 is referring to having N95s or better available for the concerned, making the unconcerned person’s mask less important to the concerned’s health so we wouldn’t be arguing about these issues and both could live how they want. Administrations of both parties failed to replenish stock and get more produced over the last 10 years.

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You don’t have to be within inches, and you don’t have to be spitting or screaming. Especially indoors. Ventilation systems have already been implicated in indoor spread.

Which is nobody here, so irrelevant to the discussion at hand. The science is against general widespread maskless activities, regardless. Just because the science disagrees with you, doesn’t mean you’re being ignored.
What Newsom did was wrong, 100%. Doesn’t mean masks aren’t needed.


Oh boy, this is an endless unwinnable argument over whose side “science” is on. No single point of view has a monopoly on all science, period.


And - if you read what I wrote - I said make a piece of PPE that protects the wearer. Period. Let the concerned don this product and enjoy whatever activities they want. And let the unconcerned go about life without paper tied to their face.

It would also relieved our law:policy/mandate makers from having to parse out these rules.

It would alleviate - like - everything.


That would be incredibly difficult to put into practice, as without fit testing, the efficacy of n95 masks is diminished. People would have to be fit tested, and then stay with only that kind of n95 mask. It’s much simpler to just ask people to make small sacrifices for the greater good.


Actually - let “science” make the Mac-Daddiest mask ever to be donned. Make them in all colors and designs and give them away.

Literally everyone could be happy!
(Maybe not. Some people are only happy when they are in the news. But most everybody.)

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I’m so sorry.


Woulda coulda shoulda is all after the fact. It didn’t happen before Covid, and it would be insane to divert already strained resources and personnel from the vaccine front or the immediate care needs front to do that.
It’s always easier to look back and see what the best course of action. But life doesn’t work like that.

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Thank you. :heart: I’m here. I won.


I think the science discussion was focused on masks. Have you posted scientific findings that tells us masks are not needed in this pandemic? On the covid thread?

Honestly, this seems to be a thread that is becoming a pro mask/anti mask debate. I will take responsibility for that too.

No one has ever changed another persons mind about masks. That frustrates both side- so at this point that argument is just plain silly.


Or go anywhere ever!?! B/c I can’t count on anyone anywhere wearing a mask :mask: so I should stay stuck in my house because selfish self centered ppl don’t care about anyone but themselves!?! What about my mental health or doesn’t it matter!?! Rhetorical


No, because that’s not my view. You’re putting words in my mouth. I never once said masks aren’t needed right now in any capacity. The argument is over types, specific circumstances, etc.

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@qwerty6, I see you typing the last word but this discussion is not very productive right now. I don’t want to lock it, so can we all step away?

(Funny- the forum autocorrected lock to lick)


What if it depresses people to walk around looking at 1/4 of a face? Mental health has lots of facets.

Truth is maskers get to be the happy ones right now. They are the winners. And WDW is on your side. But more and more states are moving away from this, as Floridians know. Disney will drop eventually.