Unusual preparations for WDW

Dude you’re screwed. It was nice knowing you. I’ll miss you.


I guess I’ll have to go over all the financial nitty-gritty details with my wife.


For sure. Wait, isn’t she already in the know? Don’t you already have weekly budget meetings? Totally you should!
Also, if for any reason I actually get stuck in an aisle seat, I close my eyes and pretend like I’m on a train. Same sort of feeling if you imagine hard enough. Except when turbulence hits. That’s not the same at all.

I saw Unbreakable. I’m afraid of trains. :wink:

Yeah. She is. Was just being funny. (Or, at least, trying to be!)

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oh that was a joke! haha! got it! seriously though, I see everything in my job when it comes to couples and money and I never can tell if someone is serious or not. Have a good trip, you’ll be fine!

I feel like that overstates it.


This is what irritates me about today’s young people and their fear of terrorism.

The IRA were really good at terrorism. I was genuinely scared. They had many successes and they didn’t just focus on London.

Al Quaida and all that lot have frequently been laughably incompetent as terrorists. Yes, 9/11 was horrifyingly awful. But that was nearly 20 years ago. The IRA did scary stuff all the time.

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Didn’t you have a tooth issue before your last trip? I’m recalling some kind of tooth sensitivity? (And thereby showing I spend too much time on this forum distracted by Disney stuff).


not a thing.


Well remembered! Yes, it was during my trip. I had switched to a new toothbrush head for my electric toothbrush and it was overaggressive and causing me pain. As soon as I stopped using it the problem went away. Well, within a few days.

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Yes they did. They blew up Manchester. Though it’s a lot nicer now.

I get out my travel printer, check to see if the ink is still good and when it’s not, frantically scour the local shops for the right ink, which, thank goodness, they still make after many years.

I’m a Princess and the Pea, for real. I tell my doctors that up front. I’ll feel something becoming a problem well before anyone else would. But the corollary of that is- if I say there’s something going on, there is. I’m never wrong about that, but sometimes I end up coming back a couple times before whatever it is clinically declares itself in a way that allows effective treatment.

Anyway, I also had a toothache, and I just don’t get those. Ever. I did have a little chip on it and the dentist questioned whether that was the actual problem, and he wondered if we should put a crown on it now or wait because that might make it worse. I said, no way am I taking a chance on my vacation.

So he put on a crown and damn did it hurt! I was sure I had made a mistake. But it got a lot better and now it’s fine. I think if I had waited until after I got back I would have been miserable on the trip, and to make matters worse, it would have been too long to let it go and I’d have ended up with a root canal. Ugh.

So the moral of the story is- heck yeah! Do what you have to do to be sure your trip goes smoothly. Otherwise, you’ll just be blaming yourself if it doesn’t.


I think that’s a really good thing and needed to be done anyway. I briefly thought about reviewing our estate plans because DS27 wasn’t on the same plane as the rest of us were after we left Orlando. But we’ve already done most of what you did, there’s a very obvious file sitting on the library shelf.

I guess I should print off all of our accounts from Morningstar, though- if not just to give to DH. He actually doesn’t know where all the money is. If I died, he’d just have to wait for the mail to see what we get for quarterly statements!

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Feel your pain! I was even more proactive with dental issues and having my tooth removed on July 6. Do not want to be ‘too late’ in case it gets worse before my January trip. :cold_sweat:


I’m waiting for someone to up the ante beyond defensive dentistry.

Anyone had their appendix out just in case it acts up at WDW? Planned a pregnancy around it?

Considering the time, money and- especially- the advanced planning that’s invested, it’s a little like going up Everest.


Doing exactly that with this trip! My plan has always been to get pregnant when the youngest turns 2. I conceived my second within 3 days of my oldest’s 2nd birthday. With my third, well, we moved into a new house, I wasn’t paying attention to my chart in the middle of all the chaos, and christening the new place turned into more than we bargained for! My second was only 20 months at the time. My third turned 2 last month and I was all set to start working on number 4, then I booked our Thanksgiving trip. I realized I’d be about 30 weeks pregnant by then. That didn’t sound appealing, and with the added factor that twins run in my family and air travel isn’t permitted at that point, I decided to delay getting pregnant. At first for just a couple of months, but then until the trip. I realized I do not want to go if I can’t ride all the rides and drink all the drinks! I’m selfish that way :woman_shrugging:


At least it didn’t derail your dining plans!

Oh, and add to list (I thought of this this morning)–refill xanax RX for flying!

Not really unusual if you are a RunDisney participant, but for those of you that aren’t… I’m training hard for running a half marathon at Disney. So, running. Does that count?

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