Unofficial Guide

I went to Disney in 2019 with a 10 month old and plan to return again in 2021 with two children :grinning:

Anyways, I preordered the Unofficial Guide to WDW 2021 all the way back in Dec 2019 - and I think I remember the publish date was supposed to be ~July 2020 but it’s now Nov 2020… all of this (coronavirus and the inevitable construction delays/uncertainties) must be making it so difficult to write the guide.

Does anyone here have first hand knowledge of the process?

@len May be able to speak to this.

Hi Patrick_N,

I co-author the book, so I have firsthand knowledge of the process.

We suspended writing the 2021 edition in March, when it was obvious that nobody knew what the parks were going to look like when they re-opened.

The parks will re-open in July. We’re expecting a couple of months of policy changes after that, as Disney sees what’s working and what needs adjustment. My guess is that the November-ish publication date is doable. I plan to update a test chapter this week, to see how much time that takes. (It’s the “Making the Most of Your Money” chapter, if anyone wants to see it.)

Our plan is to release a smaller book for 2021 that can be updated more quickly as those policies change. For that reason, I suggest getting the Kindle or e-book version of the book - we’ll provide free updates as we learn things.

Let me know if there’s anything I can help with in the meantime.



Wow, that’s pretty fabulous!! :+1:t2:

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