UnderLoved Disney

I like the Tinkerbell movies too. As a matter of fact I like them much better than Peter Pan. The female characters in Peter Pan are not presented in a very positive light.

Tinkerbell is one of my favorite characters. I always say that I like her Pixie Hollow work better than her Peter Pan work.


Have you read the original book? She’s horrible. Wicked.


When I was I. High school my dad watched my niece and everyday when I got home from school they were watching Pete’s dragon!


The original book portrays most of the characters as awful to each other. I don’t care for Peter Pan the movie at all because of the petty spiteful characters. My niece loves Peter Pan, had read the book and said the movie was way better. I did read the book and agree with her. Movie is better. But still awful in my opinion.

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Wait! The book is the OG. Any changes from the book is artistic license! But the original can’t be changed. Never ever. OOoo - no.

Tink is awful. Peter is pathetic. Wendy and her mom are my favorites. Hook and Smee made me LOL in the car as I was listening to it.

I don’t remember much of anything from the animated movie. I know I’ve seen it, but I don’t remember it.


It was rereleased back in the 70s and my sister and a teen employee, Tim, and I drove like 50 miles to see Peter Pan. I think Tim had not seen the movie; my sister and I remembered it fondly. We came away feeling like that experience had not been a good exchange of time nor money.