UK tickets to Disney World

Just out of curiosity I looked up the price of the 14-day WDW tickets for UK/Ireland visitors.

Holy moly it’s a bargain right now!

14 days for the price of 7: “from £499,” which is about $628. In early December it comes to $703. And that’s a Park Hopper Plus, with Memory Maker! (Those are pre-tax figures I think. But do UK visitors pay tax?)

Is this an unusually generous discount for UK? Or does Disney typically sweeten the pot like this to lure overseas visitors (who of course have much higher travel costs than most domestic guests)?


I’m not from UK, but from Norway, and I always use the ticket deals from the UK site.
It’s always the same deal. Right now it’s also extra good since it’s adults-for-kids prices, but they run these types of deals every year.
They do it because they make up for it on the hotel-prices since visitors from UK (and Europe) generally go for longer periods.
Some years ago, they even offered 21-day ticket deals, but I haven’t seen those in a while.
And no, no tax on top of that price :wink:


Interesting. Supposedly those tickets are exclusive to UK and Ireland, and you have to enter passport info. How do you get around that?

I’m just assuming there’s no workaround for U.S. buyers because everyone would be doing it!

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When I look up the conversion, 499 pounds = $626.

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Yes it does say that, but let’s just say I have used that deal multiple times since 2014, and I have never been asked about my passport. I have booked them both online and on the phone, so the people taking my reservation know I’m not a UK citizen.
And obviously I haven’t checked all countries, but when you go to pay or check out, you will not be able to register your address or your payment information unless you put a country that is valid.
So fex if you put US it will not allow you to proceed. Same with France, as France has their own Disney site.
Norway doesn’t, so I never had any issue.
I’ve booked the package deals, and also just the ticket deals.
In 2022 I had a combo of the 25% room offer through the US site, and the ticket deal through the UK site. Best of both worlds. Worked like a charm!

Norway is cold and dark half of the year, and expensive. Let us have this glitch! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Oops I did euros by mistake! :woman_facepalming:

Will correct in the OP so as not to create confusion. Thanks for noticing!

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Well, you know me…always looking to prove others wrong…errr…I mean…make sure everything is as accurate as possible! :laughing:


Yes I think they LOVE the UK visitors! (We do too!) They are staying 2+ weeks, eating most/all of their meals in restaurants and buying the merch. I think they also used to do free dining deals to entice them as well.


It’s not quite as good a bargain when you do the currency conversion correctly, but still considerably less than buying tickets in the U.S.

TP’s ticket calculator prices a 14-day ticket at $1273 (actually, a Platinum Pass), and a 10-day ticket at around $939 (regular hopper not plus, with tax included, purchased direct thru Disney).

You can check my math again Ryan!

I didn’t even think you could buy more than a 10 day ticket in the US anymore?

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I didn’t think so either, but it’s on the TP calculator. :woman_shrugging: It actually goes up to 15 days!

ETA: Oh, I see what it’s doing! It’s giving you the price for a 10-day ticket PLUS a 1-day for 11 days, and the price for a Platinum Pass for 12 or more days.

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And again, remember it’s park hopper plus, so including water parks, AND memory maker in the ticket price. Memory maker alone is more than 200$ now I think.

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Undercover Tourist still sells it. Hard to compare the price, since it varies on date. But even at the cheapest price you can buy a 10-day ticket from UT, it is still SLIGHTLY higher than the UK deal. If you go during a more expensive time period, the savings from the UK deal is even higher.

If they are, the TP calculator doesn’t seem to know about it.

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This is from the UT site:

So, at $667 dollars for a 10-day ticket in September, it is still higher than the UK 14-day. And that’s WITHOUT Park Hopper.

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I was just saying the TP calculator only shows multi-day tickets for up to 10 days, even from UT.

Right. That’s true. 10 day is the longest ticket available it seems in the US.

I wonder if someone in the US knows someone from the UK, if they could buy the tickets, using that acquaintance’s UK address.


The Disney site asks for passport info early on in the purchasing process.

I haven’t read the rest of the comments, but we always get 14 days for the price of 7. They know Brits come over for 2 weeks usually and they want all that time to be spent at WDW not Universal.


I’ve never been asked for passport info.