Trip report D183

I just stopped in Columbia. My jacket is water resistant.


Cookes of Dublin or Raglan Road!!!

Let’s see how on-the-ball you people are. I’m at DS. I want to go to MK. But how?

The answer’s obvious but I didn’t figure it out myself. The nice lady at the bus check-in told me.

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Bus to the Contemporary and then walk? Or MinnnieVan?


One could also walk over to SS and bus from there.


I watched it last night and loved it! Hope you enjoy it!

Tada! You win!


Initially I was grumpy because of some late-comers who sat right next to me armed with a baby and vats of popcorn. But they were actually quite quiet and I settled in to it. I did have a snooze at one point.

“Oh good God — that’s Merryl Streep!” I thought once I’d realised.

And when Dick van Dyke appeared the audience applauded. Again with Angela Lansbury. And again at the end. British audiences don’t do this. It was nice.

What actually got me tearful was Dick van Dyke, and Mary Poppins flying off.

I felt that Ben Wishaw was miscast. Otherwise I liked the cast, though some of it was hackneyed — poor Julie Walters and her type-casting.

It also occurred to me how little credit the set-designers and costumers get. The film was a real visual feast. Actors already get the big bucks and glamour. The behind-the-scene folks should get more recognition.

And I wondered what might become of the child stars.


I got something in my eye at the end as well! Glad you liked it! I’m usually a stalker and don’t post much but am enjoying your trip! Sounds like you are as well! Glad you’re not letting the rain keep you in!

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@bswan26 wanted a review of PH

The fish was overcooked, dry, tasteless. It cried out for salt in much the same way soggy cardboard does.

The vegetables were excellent.

The atmosphere is fun. At one point they played YMCA on the big screen and some of the servers did the dance.

It was a shockingly poor use of a deluxe dining credit. But needs must and I’m not short of them.


So many great actors in this one. Meryl is a favorite of mine. Obviously Dick Van Dyke and Angela Lansbury are treasures.

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I don’t know why but I love it when they cast an original actor in a remake / reboot in this way.


I was really hoping for Julie Andrews to show up but it didn’t happen! That would have made it “totally perfect” instead of “practically perfect”!

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This. A thousand times this. I wanted it so badly.

(Is she still alive?)


Yes she is. They asked her to do a cameo and she turned it down, she said she didn’t want the attention to be on her instead of Emily Blunt.


That is kind of her but it really would have been so awesome if she had done the same type of thing that Dick Van Dyke and Angela Landsbury did. I got so excited when both of them appeared! Such a great movie!!!

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I think she made a mistake. We could have had a quick flash of her at the end in the park. Maybe she winks at Emily Blunt as she walks by. Movie gold.


I’m not sure it’s actually out in the UK yet, I think it’s Christmas Eve, so I haven’t seen it. No spoilers!

Oooh nice! That would be gold!

The best scene by far was when

[redacted] huge explosion [redacted] giant dinosaur [redacted] all dead.

I did not see any of that coming. It would ruin the film for me if I’d known about it.