Trip booked for May!

Lol I read it fast and thought you said “adoptable” :joy::joy:

Man she’s really trying to sell him to someone!


I’ve tried. Everyone keeps bringing him back. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Is that a Paw Patrol mask? What kid wouldn’t want one of those?!

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Yes! They are the disposable kind and seem to be much lighter weight than the cloth kind. It’s very much how can I trick him into thinking this is fun!


That’s a great incentive! We used a trip as an incentive once- but it didn’t work out exactly like we thought it would…

We went on a ski trip that happened to be during the '98 Olympics and DD watched them on the TV, as she wasn’t potty trained and couldn’t take lessons while the rest of us went skiing. She was 3 and stubborn. But being left behind wasn’t what got to her.

One day, she sidled up to me and asked “Is Picabo Street potty trained?” :rofl:
I said, “I’m pretty sure she is.”

And that was that. The next day she was in ski lessons, all thanks to a young American gold medalist who probably inspired a lot of girls to ski… but probably only one to pee!


I love this! What a great story!
When I was in kindergarten, I refused to learn how to tie my shoes. My mom told me I wouldn’t get to go to Disney World that summer without learning to tie them, so you bet I learned fast after that!


I kind of LOVE that story!

I see a bright future for that one.

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my DD is 7 and still afraid of those flushes!!!

This is so stinking cute!! I miss these moments so much.

I can’t get specific, because he’ll kill me. But there was once a Prince who refused to train. All of the bribery in the ENTIRE KINGDOM had no effect. Mostly because the entire Kingdom knew the Queen was full of it. Withholding the bestest Kingdom was always going to be an empty threat.

Until one day, the little Prince pointed at the King’s, erm, garments, and declared he would like to don the same.

That’s when the Queen explained that the King only wore Sir Calvin Klein’s basket holder, and that the Prince could not possibly don Sir Calvin Klein’s until he learned to slay the fear of Ye Ole Toilet!

Well, dost (?) have no doubt. After the Queen got him Sir Calvin’s fit for a King, the Prince did in fact slay the fear immediately after. He wore them forevermore. Without a single accident.

Fun fact- Later on, the Prince’s first grade teacher later came up to me and remarked how he was the only one she knew who wore designer under-roo’s :rofl::rofl:


Haha- I think you are right. She’s 26 and getting her Phd. But I’d say her stubbornness played as big a role in that as anything else did. :wink:


Ha! See, I knew it’d work in her favor!! Out of the box thinking, stubbornness and determination! :rofl::rofl:


My grandma taught me to tie my shoes with string licorice & I could eat it if I tied the knot right. I had a great grandma!
Edit: (I know, I know- everyone has a great-grandma).:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Wow, what an inventive method of teaching!
It’s amazing all the different tricks parents (or grandparents) will try to get kids to learn.


I’m going to Disney world THIS WEEK!!!
Can any of you think of anything I’m forgetting?
I am fully packed except toiletries and I’ve packed for my boys.
I’ve deep cleaned the stroller.
I’m going to shopvac the van today.
DH is changing the oil in the van tomorrow.
We have some groceries packed and others planned for delivery with PrimeNow.
I’ve optimized and re-arranged my touring plans.
I’ve practiced for BG three times and have been successful so I’m very hopeful we can get one this Saturday.
We’ve been watching our favorite Disney YouTubers.
I’ve talked DS2 into riding HM with me which makes up for the fact that he isn’t fully potty trained (I am completely ok with this. He’s going on the potty most of the time but has accidents so pull ups will be fine for the trip).
We are leaving out around 5 on Thursday night and heading straight to MK.
I am SO READY!!!


I have also spent many hours contemplating what makes a snack a snack.


I was going to suggest being prepared with snacks: goldfish, chips, soup, canned frosting, amuse bouche, etc


Also - HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!! Can’t wait to see the pics!!


I packed my clothes for my boys like this (including socks and underwear) and told my DH that he literally has no excuse about helping get them ready in the morning! Haha he’s always like I don’t know what they are supposed to wear- well here, I fixed that!



Have a lot of fun!


This is so cute! Might steal :slight_smile:

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