TL question

I was watching a YouTube video about the surf pool at TL and was wandering: where is the best / most fun / safest place to be when the big waves are running?

It occurred to me that it might be the opposite of what you might think, i.e. the deeper, back section. There you just get lifted up and down, but it didn’t look like you get swept along. In the shallower section, people are getting knocked over and risk grazing their knees on the rough ground.

Does that sound right?


On a water slide or lounge chair?

I am a good swimmer, but I was in the deeper part during the waves and I became exhausted trying to get out. Actually a lifeguard came and helped me. I pretty much avoid wave pools ever since.

My wife stayed in the shallower part, but scraped up her toe pretty badly where it was bleeding.

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Oh. That’s good intel. Thanks.

I will definitely be wearing my Natives in the surf pool. I guess sticking to the times when it’s just small waves, and being very close to the beach will be best, then.

It would be wrong to deliberately get into trouble in order to be rescued by a burly lifeguard, right?


You do know some lifeguards are women, right? Just to make sure you are fully informed…


I’ll be sure to scope out the situation before I start flailing around :crazy_face:

(Did you ever watch 30 Rock ?)


I did not.

Ah. There was a sociopathic character who deliberately fed food to a coworker that she knew he was allergic to so that she’d be able to call an ambulance and have a chance to meet a hot emergency worker she’d met once before.

I was strangely reminded of this when I was planning my fake drowning.

We did TL during our 2022 USO trip with old passes. It was right after a storm.

Go to post 845 for my two cents on the wave pool. After the Coca Cola picture.

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That’s very interesting. Thank you.

And I related to some of what you said. My first (and only) visit to TL was last year for the H2O Glow Night. There was a storm that ruined the whole thing, but one of the parts I really remember was how the lazy river was really unpleasantly filled with storm debris.

I want to have a good experience this summer at TL, but my hopes aren’t particularly high. That being said, I did really enjoy VB last year and I plan to go again in December.

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Cue “The Sandlot” references…