The Return of DLR Fantasmic! Dining - Now with ALL Packages open

Fantasmic returns in DLR May 24 (and we’re very much excited to see it & will be there May 26) so have been waiting to hear any news on dining packages. There’s been none, until today!

Apparently only Blue Bayou packages are available and it’s unclear if any other packages will become available later on. Disney’s post on their @disneyeats Instragram only unveiled info on Blue Bayou & that’s all that’s showing available to book for now.

So if you, like me, were waiting to book, go grab one!

ETA: All packages are now available on the link above. @NTEI Looks like they don’t have a Hungry Bear but now have a Rancho del Zocalo package to replace it. I know you were looking specifically for the budget option like me so wanted to tag you.


When I go BB is on my “must-do” list. This would be a great way to do it! I didn’t see the Monte Cristo though!! That’s one of the gimmicks of the place!

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Too late for me…


I have a very in the minority opinion that BB is overrated :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Pirates is awesome, the Bayou ambiance from that part of the ride is perfection, I just wasn’t wowed the one time we did splurge and do Fantasmic! dining at Blue Bayou. The food was ok. The service just fine. The ambiance was beautiful though, but I can just ride Pirates a few times in a row and get most of it at no additional cost.

And as for the Monte Cristo, I want to say BB only has only had it for lunch, I think (I could be very wrong about that tho since I’m far from a BB expert given my opinion on it)? But it’s always at Cafe Orleans. Cafe Orleans was a favorite of ours in years past & sitting in that outdoor seating with the Monte Cristo, a drink & the Mark Twain passing on by sounding it’s horn, is just about as perfect ambiance I could ask for & for me personally, is better than BB’s. But BB’s is very much a must-do once to see if you love it or if it’s only ok.


Come road trip back with the fam!!! When the initial craziness of F! returning has died down. :wink:

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Thanks so much @lolabear_la, you are a superstar! I’ve been waiting for these and even set a mousedining alert (which did not deliver anything today).

Just snagged a reservation for lunch on our DL day, though I’ll try to modify if other packages become available (I would prefer Hungry Bear, and 1st showing rather than the 2nd one, which is the only thing that was left today).


Right now only Blue Bayou opened, no word on Hungry Bear or River Belle Terrace packages.

I had a mousedining alert for Blue Bayou lunch and dinner for every full day on our trip to see F! and that went off (as an email notification on my phone) at 10:43am while I had my work computer screen shared presenting on a call I was running. By sheer dumb luck when someone else on the call was taking a long time explaining background context that I already knew to someone else on the call, I glanced down and saw the alert & fired off a text to DH to go hurry run & book for whatever day/time he could see. And he grabbed two BB dinners for us & we’ll decide once more is known about if Hungry Bear is available or not to drop probably one, but maybe both? Idk. We want to do BB F! dining again but we also enjoy paying the much less $$ for Hungry Bear and getting just about the same experience for the show.

Hopefully that Hungry Bear opens up at some point! I’m off to change all my BB dining alerts to Hungry Bear now.


Ah, you’re right! My dining alert was just set for the Hungry Bear package, of course it wouldn’t have come through :laughing:

In the DLR chat someone mentioned that on Twitter/X DLR is quoted as saying “other dining packages will be revealed soon”. Fingers crossed.

Still very happy to have that first reservation in my pocket.


I’m curious if they re-did how some of them work. When we booked our hotel earlier this year for our May F! trip I looked up all the F! dining packages (on DL’s website) to refresh my very rusty memory of them and made mental notes of the prices & options. There were 2 separate pages, one for Hungry Bear alone and another page for the 2 TS options with all the details even down to menu options. Then sometime shortly after the 60 days I started poking around to see what info I could find about them announcing F! dining and it was all gone & only one page existed anymore. So I’m really wondering what they have up their sleeve!

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We are heading to DL I ln august. I haven’t been for over a decade, my wife hasn’t been for 30 years. And my sister and my kids have never been. It’s for my son’s 10th bday and I am tempted to get a fantasmic package just to help secure a spot. A group of 5 adults and 1 kid though will be like $600 at BB so I hope hungry bear package is up by august haha


Yikes that is a lot! I would just do standby or LL if they have it. Or go to the second showing when it’s usually much less busy, if there is one.


I have been avoiding tabulating the amount for my party of six and with tax and gratuity it gets up to $550 :no_mouth::no_mouth: (4 “adults”, 2 kids). We may very well end up not doing it. But may also YOLO.

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Yeah this is most likely our only trip to DL and it’s the first for 4/6 of us so I might just say eff it and do it
The only issue is i actually don’t think the food sounds great esp on a hot summer day I really don’t want a hunk of meat

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For a once in a lifetime trip and if you have the budget, I would strongly consider the splurge. Combining the BB restaurant with the F! dining is a great way to tick off two boxes with one thing.

The BB ambiance is some top-notch Disney theming of an outside scene inside. I do think it’s slightly overrated, because it’s so hard to get and the food has always been just fine (because it doesn’t need to be stellar to attract a crowd), and you can get near equivalent ambiance with better food at better prices at other restaurants and can still enjoy the exact same ambiance riding Pirates (over & over if you want, even early in the day or late night). But there is a certain amount of cool factor to sitting & dining the ambiance. So it just depends on your priorities and what premium you are willing to pay for it.


Yeah I’m leaning to a yes. Of course depending on if I can get it. My dining oopens up ins few weeks

I assume these are prepay like the wdw dessert parties?

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Fantasmic dining is actually not a prepay. Surprisingly. I couldn’t remember yesterday but DH confirmed when he booked he didn’t have to prepay. Just provide a cc # for the penalty if a no-show & don’t cancel.

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Yes, I was also surprised that there was no pre-payment requirement, and the confirmation email I got is just the usual 2hr cancellation policy (so even more generous than for the character meal ADRs, some of which have minimum 3-day cancellation).

Copying and pasting from my email booking confirmation:


Oh that makes things way easier… can lock it in and decide later


Yes, it’s why we have 2 locked in! To decide which night we want to put the splurge on (base loosely on when we’ll get the dining alerts for any cheaper packages that we may add for additional nights).

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More dining has just opened :blush::heart: