The "Others" - photo bombs and such

I love iasw, but I don’t think screaming is a factor there. The ride would make you go numb long before you get to that point.

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Yes, very opposite! Glad you love it now.
I’m SO not EVER riding Tower of Terror. Drops just mess with my stomach. Splash Mountain has too much of a drop for my stomach. Sorry, not sorry :rofl: @Heidelj.


I think somewhere way back i may have suggested something on here about swapping music between rides. IaSW playing at full volume on RnRC would be an interesting one.


That’s all right, shorter lines for me if others are afraid to ride

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Lol the seatbelt mother…I do that to my kids in the car if i have to stop fast and they think I’m ridiculous (it is ridiculous. What is my arm gonna do but break and probably break their ribs if we do get in an accident but instincts die hard). Also my kids are 13 and 16 so it’s even more ridiculous.


I’m fine with coasters, the bigger the better - the ones at WDW are very tame for my tastes.


I have always been too and I’ve jumped out of plane twice, off a bridge, a sky building hanging by cords over a canyon and a mountain twice. But for some reason roller coasters with lots of G’s are starting to make me black out. It completely ruins the ride for me. :-(. I’m awake just barely (lightheaded and I cannot see anything at all like all the blood leaves me head). I can do drops like ToT still though just fine. So I think it’s just pulling G’s. My son recently fainted when they drew his blood so maybe I have this same vascular condition where all your veins widen when under strain causing your blood pressure to drop rapidly. But it sucks because I love thrill rides and I can handle Disney’s just fine. But Universal and Six Flags. Nope. So I am starting to appreciate the weenie rides as I age. :wink:


That’s scary!

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And I am belting it out. #603Represent! Love those boys from Sunapee!


And, now I know what I’m listening to on the ride home



What? No love for Back in the Saddle?

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I couldn’t list them ALL! There’s a ton more that are awesome but I don’t have time. I gotta get in my car and drive!!!

The Aerosmith Essentials Playlist in Apple Music is one of my faves.


Be honest, you’re listening to Barry Manilow.


Yeah I remember that day. That was a lot of iasw. It was @NYGIANTMickeyFan daughter.


My Husband yelled everyone make a piece sign and this is what the guy in the back did. Cracks me up every time I see it.


This was my sister. Old wooden coasters with huge drops and lots of wiggle.
@gingerSnaps543222, she’s not blacking out, maybe it’s some sort of vertigo, but yes, the Disney weenies are starting to be easier to tolerate.
The drops still rule.
No. Spinning. At. All. She and my non spinning cousin want to sky dive. :disappointed_relieved:

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I definitely love me some Barry.

But tonight was a super fun ride home and I was rockin out like I haven’t for a bit. I needed that today. I feel better


I don’t mind spinning.

That was some quick thinking!

Looks like you made it