The Genie Thread! All WDW Info Here - FOR TRIPS THRU JULY 23, 2024



I feel like I have failed members of my family.


I just removed the direct links to La Cava and replaced with just the title of the related thread. The good news is that if they’re not paid subscribers, whoever clicked the link won’t be able to see the page. But still, that’s a crazy number of clicks.

Frankly I’m flattered that that many people have made their way through this thread or read what I have written.


Well that certainly wasn’t my intention :upside_down_face:


I know but the thing is if people are paid subscribers, it isn’t that hard for them to go find the pinned thread. Whereas if they’ve joined just to get our data without contributing, this will make it a tad harder for them to take advantage of our hard work.


I really don’t understand why this is important. If you can access La Cava you can access La Cava. Promoting a “need to pay for access” link in a public post can only help TPs bottom line, right? More subscribers. If we make it this difficult to find info, we risk seriously turning people off of the threads.
@Anthonyjohn726_874585 does this track with your experience? I think it’s important to get new user impressions. I hope we didn’t turn you off of the forums! Everyone here is very helpful. But, well, What happens in La Cava, STAYS in La Cava :rofl:


I PM’d him, sent him the direct link and offered to help in any way he needed. I hope it worked.


So we decided direct links in chat are ok?

This is very, very important to me since chat is very, very important to me.

I would hope the people that were involved in the testing and original decision could also have a voice in that decision.

Editing to add: if the answer is yes I would respectfully request that we wait until after Joel’s trip. The bloggers have been great after the drop posts, although most are TP members and are members of other communities that know all of this info. Once it becomes more unlucky in chat, I am unsure if that would still be true.

My goal is to not bring too much attention and force Disney to take steps faster than planned. Thanks for your (all community members) consideration.


I share information with many friends and colleagues from La Cava for their personal WDW trips. i just gifted a 2024 Unofficial Guide to a work colleague planning a WDW trip in a few weeks.

So if posting in chat helps people with their personal trips, that seems consistent with the spirit of the Liner community

But from what you write in several posts above about bloggers using the info in the past, that opens into commercial and business use of the information. Blogging is not only for profit so I understand that some might be motivated by community. But blogging about Disney — reviews, news, videos on youtube — is a money making business. that’s fine — free market, competition, choice.

But then info and experience from this community meant to support personal Disney happiness within this community gives access to valuable for profit information

Just a thought as you consider. I don’t have a strong preference myself


But I don’t see why the link itself is an issue. If you don’t have access to La Cava, you don’t have access. What a person does with the info has nothing to do with a link being shared on a public post.
And there is plenty of “have to find it in La Cava” mentioned in public posts. A membership to TP yearly is less than the cost of a nice lunch. If someone wants to profit off the intel there, the TP subscription is a write off for taxes.


perhaps i misunderstood. i thought the issue was if the link gave access to those outside La Cava. sorry!


OH! Does it? I didn’t think of this. I wouldn’t think so but maybe? :grimacing:


I would think that when any La Cava thread link is shared, and the receiver does not have an account and is not a trusted user yet, it will revert to the login/create account page.


Is it much more challenging to get LL for a group of 9? I read above about splitting the parties for drops but what about the rest of the time?


If you’re just getting a sequential LL in the morning or throughout the day, it doesn’t hurt to have 9. I’m not sure how many spots are in each return window for each attraction, but I haven’t noted any issues getting 9 together.




One more question. We will be two separate families but plan to add each other to friends/family list so one person (me) can make all the LL selections. How does this work though with purchasing Genie +? Do we each purchase on our own accounts or do I purchase for both families and my friend pays me back? (yes she is trustworthy so I know I will be reimbursed)


You can do it either way. When you make your purchase, you select the members of your party you are purchasing for and it defaults to your credit card info that you have stored. So I recommend each just buying for yourselves unless they struggle being up at midnight or up by 7am.




I’ve tried to read as much of this as possible, but I find the thread hard to follow from now back in time to understand the current state of things.

Thinking about trying the rapid stacking approach on a sleep in day next week. Does anyone know if it’s currently working? (Happy to report back as well.)

Does it only work in MDE? TIA for any info.