The Genie Thread! All WDW Info Here - FOR TRIPS THRU JULY 23, 2024


After you’ve become a trusted user, (read & like multiple posts) go to the Catagories menu and look for “La Cava Del Chat”. (just below “Site Feedback”) See the G+ Advanced Strategy thread.

Current info is updated in the Original Post. Ask any questions there.


I thought I was on that thread :upside_down_face: oooooops.

I’m sorry. Yes, thank you, knowing that info is up to date is what I needed to know. Thanks again.


:smile: No worries!

Anything else, just ask!


Hi there - I am a brand new annual passholder with 3 trips in March & April - and I am wondering how genie+ works with annual pass and the park reservation? Am I only able to make a lightning lane reservation for the park I have my reservation at? What gotchas should I be aware of that might be different than people with a regular ticket?


There were some issues at first but by all reports they have been resolved. Genie+ should work the same for you as it does for those with day tickets. Meaning, you can make reservations at any park for any time in any order.

You still need to tap into your APR park first or change your reservation day of if you decide to start elsewhere (if available).


Excellent news!! Thanks @Jeff_AZ :blush:


Follow up question - I assume it is true for ILL as well that I can book for any park in any order regardless of park reservation?

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Yes this is true (barring any IT issues, but I haven’t heard of this happening recently). Remember you are still limited to 2 per person per day and they must be separate attractions (i.e., Tron + GotG, not Tron x2).

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Sorry for repeat question but ILL has 119 grace period still right?


I realized I didn’t specify as an annual passholder - we did just double check at guest services and they said yes.

We are having this weird glitch with the genie planning service where if someone else in my party selects MK as the park they can’t add me to planning party but they can add me if they choose EP y park res is HS) - this is us doing it a day ahead to be ready.


Oh weird, I hope that glitch sorts itself out!

Correct, by all accounts. However, Len has said he was told by a CM that at WDW, they will generally allow guests in later than 119 minutes for ILL.


Thanks Jeff! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


To be fair I wrote this before I read your trip report! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Nothing too bad happened. EXCEPT Disney and I weren’t really in agreement on what my password was and I missed my VQ. They wanted a code and the code I had was wrong. It was a thing :joy: But turns out DH can’t do Guardians twice in one day. I had my suspicions so no big deal in the long run


Good blog post from Touring Plans about Single Rider Lines!

The four attractions at WDW with “permanent” single rider lines are:

  1. Millennium Falcon: Smuggler’s Run
  2. Test Track
  3. Expedition Everest
  4. Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster

The above list is generally in order of amount of time saved using the SR line vs. Standby. The article astutely observes that MFSR and TT save more time than the other two because the vehicles seat 6, which is a number that leaves more open seats on average than rows of 2 like on EE and RNRC.

The EE SR line moves much faster than RNRC for some reason – maybe because EE’s standby line is shorter so fewer people feel the need to bother with SR. :man_shrugging: Or it could be a difference in procedure (e.g., matching up two odd parties vs. just grabbing a SR for any odd party).


I know this is an old topic, but as the original author of the drop thread, I personally have no issue with sharing the link to the drop thread on chat. Chat by nature is so transient - it tends to go away quickly and it’s not easily searchable. Plus, you still need an account here to get to La Cava.


That seems to be the most common question on chat “when are the drops”, Thanks!


@Jeff_AZ I think rule 7 re hopping could use some updates, the 2pm rule is no longer in effect.

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You’re right! I haven’t revisited this since hopping rules changed. I’ll take a fresh read through. :+1:t3:

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I posted this in another thread as well and I might be wrong, but I think that a few days later, Disney changed that and even those who require park reservations, can book LLs for their second park without having tapped into their first park.