The Genie Thread! All WDW Info Here - FOR TRIPS THRU JULY 23, 2024

Effective beginning July 24th, really? that soon?


And provide the TPS reports!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I wonder what prebooking will do for rapid stacking. Within two hours of park opening, I had almost ever LL for rides booked other than Slinky Dog. Ugh!!!

Other than having to get up at 7AM, I liked G+ the way it was. It worked well, if you understood HOW it worked.

On our December trip, I had initially planned to get G+ both days but got through so much on the first MK, that I didn’t need it the second one. We went on a party day for day 2 and did all the shows and a few rides with low wait times. I would have wasted my money if I had prepurchased G+.


It will make it go away. (Good riddance, I say … but my regrets to those of you who learned to use it to great effect.)

I’m sure we’ll figure out tricks to maximize the benefit of the new program.


I’m curious on how’re they’re going to price this out.


But I had all this booked by 11AM with rapid stacking ….


not anymore you won’t


I think it will ease the anxiety of many guests who don’t like not knowing what’s next.
It also allows families with late arrivals to plan for that accordingly instead of spending the day in the app booking and modifying to get those later times. Availability will be even more scarce for top tier rides of course, but with diligence most liners can still get those either through drops or pure dedication to refreshing in the app.

It will take some reprograming after almost 3 years and countless trips but I remember hating Genie+ initially, so hopefully this combination of the two systems will be better once we figure it out.


:sob: :sob: :sob:


Should I start a brand new thread or repurpose this one?

  • New thread
  • Repurpose this one
  • Some third option
0 voters

(Always include “other,” even if you can’t think of a possible response outside the binary! :rofl:)


And then also modify the title of this one to show Genie+ ends 7/23.


Who’s to say Rapid Stacking won’t work with the new system? May be the only way to stack…

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I went ahead and started a new thread. I haven’t written the lead post yet, and it could take me a while. :sweat_smile:

On the bright side, the Disneyland thread will largely remain as it is other than some name changes.


I fumbled RS and SCRS more often than I was successful. :rofl:

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Will you please still keep up with the old thread until 7/23 too? Some of us have trips coming up in early July. :pray:


I won’t delete it but I likely won’t be actively updating. I’m doubting they will make any major updates so the lead post here should be accurate until then. Good luck!


I used it for the first (and I guess only) time 2 weekends ago and it was a lifesaver.

I had 2 days with my girls, 9 & 13 to cover all the favourites across all 4 parks. They were exhausted from exams (well the 13 year old was) and the 10 hr delay arriving (thank you Miami flooding) so I didn’t want to break them with rope drop. RS let us do everything they unreasonably wanted to shoehorn into less than 72 hours.

I’m tentatively happy about the change only to get rid of that 6:45 alarm every day. I’m sure it will be mangled horribly in execution and I’ll change my mind soon enough though.


I honestly don’t see why you would not be able to replicate this with a Multipass. You have 5 rides booked before 2:20pm. 3 could be booked ahead of time and then you would have to ride two and book 2 new ones prior to 2:20pm. You wouldn’t necessarily even have to rope drop.


Yeah, being able to hold three as soon as the park opens is actually quite a big benefit — Tier 2 or not. It would take rapid stacking (which is an annoying, phone-intensive profess that not everyone is willing to do), waiting 4 hours after park open to get three, or churning and burning to hold / use three LLs.

If you can get or modify to early times, even better.


Refresh to modify works to some degree even today, and that’s without the ability for people to select times. This was a big thing during the FPP days.