The $300 extra game

I will admit, we weren’t always this way. When we had young kids, vacations were partly financed by credit card. But then we did Dave Ramsay’s Financial Peace seminar, and it was rather life changing. Pre-planning our vacations to the dollar and having them paid for ahead of time has made them SO much more enjoyable.


I would build a second lightsaber. I mean, not ME. My husband is already building one (his second) and another $300 would go toward allowing my 5 year old to build one. Probably


Although when this actually happened to us in 2021, after the great dining reservation fiasco where Disney gave you $25 per canceled dining reservation, we actually just spent the money on better food, more drinks, and bigger tips


The truth is that I base my budget off of what I want to do. If I want to do it, I will make a budget for it. If I don’t want to do it, I won’t. My vacation is one of the most important things I do, so I prioritize it. If I suddenly had a little more money, I’d put it in my savings / investments.

Now, if I got like, $10,000 more dollars, I might add an entirely new trip. Because that’s a windfall and steps me up into the next category of spending. But even then, I’d only do so if it was going to be a consistent $10,000 annually, not a one-time bonus. If it was one-time, I’d probably save it.


This is pretry much how I am too. Except Universal is shaping up to be way more expensive than I thought (after all, it is supposed to be way cheaper than Disney!). Before I realized that, I had planned on the pontoon boat and cabana - it is supposed to be a laid back trip. So far I have dropped the rental car to stay in budget. Next we will see if any TS get downgraded to QS.


I think I’d go on a shopping spree in Mitsukoshi Dept Store and buy alllllll the cute things.


I got called weird over and over a few days ago. I think it might have been meant as an insult (long story). But I kept thinking, ok, yes, this is no secret and I’m a-ok with this. What’s your point? :joy:


Oh!! I somehow missed this. Congratulations Paw Paw!


First choice: $300 worth of a combination of ILLs and G+
Second Choice: $300 toward After Hours (if available and any excess cost is affordable)


Well…I tried not to tell the weirdos! :grin:

Ah! Now that’s a great idea!


There are actually times of the year where it is MORE expensive.


I am going spring break and it 100% is. Especially if you want any kind of line skipping. I started a spreedsheet and shared on a different thread. I promised to finish it and then forgot (will go back and do that).

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You guys had the best ideas…

First choice: Savi’s plus extra khyber crystals
Second choice: Uber everywhere


I would go to Art of Disney and commission a beSpoke Dumbo portrait. Little adorable sweet perfect Baby portrait.


I would use it to pay for premium parking at the parks. We stay at SOG, so all the on-site benefits except free parking at the parks. Since SOG busing is not the most efficient we drove to the parks a lot. Last trip we did regular parking until the last day and sprung for premium and it was so nice to not have to walk ALL the way across the parking lot when park hopping or leaving at the end of the day!

  1. Savi’s for myself
  2. Lyft to Citiwalk and do the Jurassic World escape room with @darkmite2 and friends!

This is actually a good one. I want more art for my home but it’s expensive and hard to find something I like that I can afford.

This is also a good one. I already have my own lightsaber but eventually I’d like each of my kids to have the experience if they want it (or something equivalent if they don’t).


First, my condolences to you should this be a thing. I know how sad it will make you and how much you will question your parenting.

But also - that’s a hell of a lot of unicorns!


I think “equivalent” only needs to be unique and tailored to the kid’s interest, not equal in terms of $.


Ummm, but do the unicorn lovers see it this way?