Surprised by the use of photos as avatars

I don’t think it’s about hiding or being an open book. I think everyone has their own levels of comfort and Internet privacy and I totally respect them all. To each his or her own- right? I appreciate we can stay private or share more here. that is a fun perk

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I’ve posted my Facebook page, tons of pictures, my cell number, and my email on Lines, and also given my address to a few so they were able to send me things. I think a display picture is just fine!

This is Bear. I’m her mom. She came to us from WV in 2011 as a 6 week old baby, left on the side of the road, sick, malnourished and afraid. Just try and mess with us, strangers! Seriously, I love seekng folks and I will post a headshot. Soon

As a teacher who has been stalked by a former student, I try to keep a pretty low visual profile on anything public, so I try very hard not to post pictures of me. I often use pictures of owls (an obsession of mine) or for this site, recent pics from WDW.

Outer , I have to ask based on your photo are you a priest? Your collar is giving you away

Yup. That was the day @B_squared. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If I were as cute as @mALYficent, I’d post my picture EVERYWHERE.

Haha. Hahahahaha. That’s a joke right??

Absolutely not, you gorgeous Canuck!

That’s still MY avatar! I had dibs on the conal pink drink!! :anguished:

OMG - too funny. Still waiting to see Fatty’s! (or maybe not!)

We might be related…I can see some resemblance… :family:

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Sorry, Luv.

Hey! I posted that with my iPhone! After not being able to do so since forum began!

I don’t think you are even a LITTLE REMORSEFUL! :wink: :frog:

Lovely dog - great name too!

Thanks. And I love your pic! The pups could be bookends

Yep - funny seeing the pics next to each other - they do look like really cute bookends!

As someone else said, my picture is so “published” already, if someone really wanted to see what I looked like, all they’d have to do is go to FB. I’ll eventually replace the castle pic with one of me.

Since I am the photo taker in my family, I don’t have many pics of myself actually. My avatar photo is one of my favorites from WDW. Does anyone else recognize the location? This was taken on an early morning at the boat dock at Ft. Wilderness on our 2010 trip. It’s such a peaceful scene that it’s my wallpaper on my laptop.