Strange Man in a Strange DisneyLAND - a Trip Report

Good morn– waaaaaait a second. There must be some mistake here. My plane ticket has been wrongly marked! This doesn’t say MCO!.

Here, lookit!

That can’t be right, can it? Could I be actually going to Disneyland?? The park that started it all? The park I’ve been trying to get to since [checks notes] … ever??

Holy biscuits, I AM!!


Welcome to the Disneyland First Trip™ report!!

AC (also known as Autocorrect) and the gang are most assuredly coming along, so… y’know… be advised.

And we’ll be looking to use some Achievement Badges. I’ve made some just for DL (ok, so it wasn’t that much of a surprise like I alluded to above). So hopefully we’ll be able to score them all (you can see the badges in the achievement badge thread if you’re curious).

Let’s go have some fun!



Arrived at the Harbinger of Adventure (the airport) at near exactly 3AM, and all the TSA stations are expectedly closed. So I am standing in line waiting for them to open.

Flight only boards at 4:30am… what’s the rush? :grimacing:


Nice, gates opened at 3:22, so we’re moving. Sadly, no tsa precheck benefits cause the line isn’t open and I’m having to slum it. Ah well.


Through tsa at 3:34. Nice. And now to the gate since nothing is open.


What the? Over the sound system is the very faint sound of the Up soundtrack.

That’s awesome


Super busy🤣


Since I have a few minutes before boarding…

it’s already a different feel than the WDW First Trip™. Partly because it’s all new, I don’t even have childhood memories to frame anything, and also because of being at WDW so often, there’s not much worry that this is going to go sideways on me. For the WDW First Trip™, I had planned out a simple activity to do, should the whole trip be a disaster, I could look back on that one simple thing and be proclaim “well at least that went well.”

But for Disneyland, I have performed no such precautionary measure. My experience with the company has pretty much ensured I’m gonna find a boatload of things that I can happily look back on. Which is a good feeling.

In fact, I haven’t really planned anything thus far. I haven’t even selected all my park reservations yet (I’m maxed out and will have to start today once I tap in). Sadly, the introduction of Genie+ has removed any real need to plan anything out beyond general activities because I have no idea when/where I’ll be throughout the day.

All I do know is that “the goal” is to do it all. And with a full week to do this, I’m confident I’ll be able to do that without a problem.

GETTING there, however, has been far more of a concern. Man, I could’ve really used Disney Magical Express on this. Coming from PA, I am forced to take connecting flights unless I want to go to LAX (and I don’t). And with the current state of airlines now, asking for all things to go smoothly is a BIG ask. I’m hoping American is up to it.

And then, once I land at SNA, I gotta worry about transportation to the Park/Hotel. I could’ve chose a car service for $200 which would be waiting for me when I arrive, and I would’ve really liked to, especially after being spoiled by it at MCO this past July. But I’m not really in a financial position to that right now.

So I’m stuck with uber/lyft, and I’m at the mercy of the rando drivers. :scream: But I’m not terribly worried. I haven’t had a problem yet (even if my experience has been pretty limited).

And where will they be dropping me off? The Disneyland Hotel! DVC points have really started taking off on their value now that they’ve been paid off. Was able to score a and I get to stay on property for…ehhh roughly $400 for the week? (I forget the exact math.). Which, yeah… is more than WDW but, it is what it is.


Hurrah for a Randall TR :partying_face::partying_face:

Hope your trip is amazing. Looking forward to following along…


Boarded and seated. Upgrading to 1st was a serious indulgence, but I’m ok with it.



Once I land, I’m going to have only 30 minutes to get to the other gate.

No pressure.



…da heck? Preflight drink offered… but no tomato juice? :weary:

Bout to toss some toys out the pram here. :rofl:


Alrighty, plane’s leaving.

See ya later!



Fly fast and take chances! So excited for you!!!:tada::tada::tada::tada::tada:


That was one helluva upgrade! I did get my tomato juice (all toys are safely in the pram) but they didn’t serve snacks…. They served out a full breakfast!! :exploding_head::exploding_head:

Never had breakfast (like this) on a plane before. It was actually really good too. Hot, and the fruit was perfect. Then they came by with pastries, and I got a croissant. Which was delightfully crispy. Would recommend.

They also handed out hot towels, and me, being a refined gentleman… had no idea what to do with it. So I just kinda held onto it.

Landed in Dallas. It’s already made me a bit sick. :sneezing_face: suddenly sneezing and what not.

Now it’s a sprint for the other gate. Boards in 30.

On your mark… get set….


Haha. I did the same when I flew first class for the first (and only) time. In my life

It’s to clean your hands, and if you care to, your face


Nice. Arrived at the gate just as my group was called. Walk on.


Well, I can say I at least rode A monorail.

I don’t think this qualifies for the badge though. It’s technically not Disney.


Oh, nice. But since I had showered this morning, I didn’t think it was necessary.


Hahahaahah I’m friggin dyin here.

Someone just had a problem reading her ticket, and needed an attendant’s help.

The problem? She couldn’t read that the row was …eleven. (It looked like 2 I’s)

Iykyk. :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

