RIP ToT Billboard:(

Yeah, I love the street lights in Hershey.

Your hanging baskets comments made me chuckle. My mom used to comment on them at the college I went to. My dad always picked on her about how everyone chose that college for those hanging baskets. :laughing:

I remember the ToT billboard working, but I also rode ToT within months of opening. So that may be when I remember it from.


All of this, as always, speaks to the absolute arrogance of the people running Disney Parks right now. These are bean counters running the show and they have proven they don’t give a damn about their customers. They feel that we will still come and pay regardless. Another good example is when that Disney executive got up at an investor meeting and stated that they were reducing food portions and then tried to sell it as good for the customer. “We all could benefit from eating less.” Hey! idiot, there are millions that come to the parks simply for the food.