šŸ¦” Really last minute trip booked ā€” Now featuring live trip report!

Oh no! Thereā€™s no ending to this story! Did you book it, Matt?


Iā€™ve been frantically clicking things on my laptop.

Yes, I booked it. And Iā€™m either having a heart attack or an asthma attack. I better go get my inhaler.




Awesome! (That you booked it not the asthma part!) Now the fun part begins ā€¦ the planning!


This trip might actually be a fully no-plan trip.

I have three full days at UOR, and I think Iā€™d like to do a VB day or, at least, get some VB action. But I can go whenever I want: my AP is a 3-park one.

I have one day at each WDW park: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. No hopping allowed. Monday will be the AK day because itā€™s my departure day (flight is at 10pm) and AK closes early, so itā€™s a waste on any other day. As for the other three? I donā€™t have to decide in advance. Iā€™m open to suggestions.

I didnā€™t buy the DDP, so Iā€™m not ā€œforcedā€ to book ADRs. But I donā€™t want to. I want to go to Caseyā€™s Corner, which Iā€™ve never been to. And get one of those massive bun things at Gastonā€™s Tavern. And buy one of those potato bucket things at Woodyā€™s Lunch place. And so on.

No upcharge events.

I do need to think about what work Iā€™m going to schedule.

And process my usual Calvin guilt. He, of course, is snuggling right up to me at this moment.


Absolutely do this! They make a great breakfast/mid-morning snack. Although they are truly huge. I love sweet things and I happily split one.


My June no-plan trip has become somewhat scheduled and I did get a bit trigger happy with the upcharges. Theyā€™re all easily cancellable and I might review them after I get back from the May trip. But the June trip is more of a ā€œCongratulations! You made it through the year!ā€ And, also, ā€œCongratulations on making it to 55 and your official retirement!ā€ (Iā€™m still working, Iā€™m just taking my teacherā€™s pension early.)

This May trip is more ā€œEmergency! Self-preservation required! Immediate chill-out ordered. Stat.ā€


Oh. Epcot Flower and Garden will be on, which means festival booths and eating round the world. That will be a thing.


I think this is an awesome idea! Maybe we can even give a wave to each other since our trips overlap now! :grinning:





Awesomeness! Itā€™s just what you needā€¦.


Are you saying that these two are the same person??? They have different names and pictures. šŸ«Ž


It has established that you can not point out inconsistencies or ironies. You donā€™t want to risk turning hufflematt off of his current plans. :wink:


Fair point, but let me be clear. The change is a good thing.

The first post, we as a community were all very sad that Matt wouldnā€™t be visiting for a while.

The second post, we are all celebrating with excitement for Matt as heā€™ll be back in his magical place! :slightly_smiling_face: And of course a chance to meet liners.


Congrats on booking the trip. I like the whole idea of ā€œcongrats I made it through another yearā€ type of trip without much in terms of plans.


Good save. I was about to ban you.


And taking all the topiaries and beauty in general that is Epcot Flower & Garden. It really has restorative healing powers** that are just the kind of thing one would want in a self-preservation, immediate chill-out order situation.

** No actual physical healing has been attributed to Flower & Garden or Epcot.


So Iā€™ve made some decisions.

Iā€™ve allocated parks to days based on opening hours. Thus:

Friday MK 0730ā€“2300
Saturday HS 0830ā€“2200
Sunday EP 0830ā€“2200
Monday AK 0830ā€“1900

Iā€™m not going to be in those parks for all that time, Iā€™m just maximising the hours I have available. Remember: no park-hopping for me.

I will be shooting for various BGs and ILLs and will probably get G+ for the MK day.

Iā€™ve bought a Universal EP for my first (and the cheapest) day, Tuesday. On that first day, my students can go [REDACTED] themselves. Itā€™s my day and Iā€™m enjoying it.

On Wednesday IOA closes at 1800 for some reason, but USF closes at 1900. On Thursday IOA closes at 2000, and USF at 1900. I am thinking of doing some VB action on one of those days. Itā€™s open 0830-1900 each day, including Early Entry.


Not to mention all the new stuff thatā€™s finally open that features water and whatnot.


Or maybe even push June to later like early October or even late September

I will 90% for sure be there Memorial Day weekend :blush:


For all of us, this is the truth!

OMG Iā€™ve heard this before! :wink:

Thatā€™s part of the reason I booked a last minute trip for that weekend. I didnā€™t do all I wanted last time at F&G.

I mean, healing the soul is a thing.