Ready to Run...a return to RunDisney races

Sort of a vip area. They had a tent with private port a potties & breakfast. I never did it, but people seemed to enjoy it. I like walking around before the race, but the private port a potties always appealed to me!!

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It’s the first protein shake I have actually enjoyed & it hasn’t bothered my stomach. I figure if Tom drinks it, it has to be good!

I have an insatiable appetite these days as well. I wake up hungry, I am hungry all day long and can’t get enough at supper. I drink a lot of water to try and keep my stomach full and I am constantly having a mental battle to stay away from the junk food.

I found foam rolling is helping out a lot with calf tightness.


He does whatever Giselle tells him to LOL



When I come across pics from Jan 2020 (my first Marathon), I can’t believe how skinny I got through that training. That has not been the case this time around.

@MouseGirl42 are you still around?


It is definitely hard work and you are doing great! When I was marathon training I found that sometimes when I was feeling hungry I was actually thirsty. I needed to consume so much fluid to make up for the losses. When I did snack which I did often I would try to reach for a whole food and add some protein to it. So if I ate an apple I would cut it in slices and add peanut butter. After each long run I would lose a significant amount of weight just because of fluid loss. Once I continued to drink it would normalize over the next day. This was despite always carrying my hydration pack and drinking well throughout my runs.

Well this cannot be the thing :laughing:
Most days I am hitting my goal of 3L water, or more recently a combination of water and electrolyte fluids (Nuun is my go-to)

Yes I do this a lot. Cheese sticks are my best friend, along with fruit.

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I know! :rofl: I swear sometimes when I had insatiable hunger I would down a power aid and feel so much better. I am a salty sweater so maybe I just couldn’t get enough salt to not feel thirsty? :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Leg yoga felt really good for my lunch break. Now they are all kind of warm and tingly which is much better than tight and painful.


OK so I just checked the WS schedule

Worst case in terms of timing, the series goes to a game 7 on 11/3. I’m not sure if we would be at home or on the road if that’s what it came to, but I would think a parade might happen on 11/5. That would be cutting it close for you but could you conceivably be on a plane that night? If the W&D half is on 11/7 you’d still make it.

Now if they were to push said parade out to a Saturday you would end up in trouble.

Dang! Let’s hope Boston doesn’t do the Boston thing and just wraps the whole thing up by game 4 or 5, provided they don’t skunk it up like last night (sheesh!) over these next couple of games and get themselves an invitation to the party.


Hey!..There I am bottom left. This was the trip that convinced me to up my running game.

Was a great liner meet with @MouseGirl42 , @NoBellePrizeWinner Mrs JordanRunner and @galuchies_463555


I finally got an email from RunDisney! It says to digitally sign my waiver. I logged in to sign it and then got an error page. When I logged back in, my registration is gone for W&D! (Princess is still there)

I’m hoping it resolves itself soon, anybody else having issues with the site?

I have heard others reporting this exact phenomenon. I think your only options are to wait and see if it rights itself or contact runDisney. I would suggest the latter being done sooner rather than later based on other issues I’ve had with other parts of Disney and the Disappearing Reservations.

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Feel ya’ . . . . as I sit here eating chocolate covered pretzels, while the blackberries I bought remain untouched. The hunger is real though!

Had some of those this morning.

I feel like the Hungry Caterpillar. So far today:

Blackberries, raspberries and blueberries
Cheese stick
Lean Cuisine Mac/Cheese
Mini york peppermint patty
Skinny pop popcorn
100cal pack of nuts and berries
1L smart water
1L Nuun
1.5 cups of coffee

Still hungry



Ha, thanks for the laugh

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In a little while (okay a few hours) I will curl up in a cocoon.

Perhaps in the morning I will emerge as a beautiful butterfly



You already are, my friend.