Random Running Posts

Jumping in to post my run with DD10 today. She and I ran a little under 2 mile intervals this morning. Hope to run at least 2-3 more times this week.

We had been exercising pretty regularly through March and April with a mix of running and biking and the occasional swim, along with her doing soccer and dance. Then in May, soccer ended, dance got extra busy and we did the occasional short bike ride and 1 shortish hike. Haven’t run in over a month! It felt good to get back out there. I need to get back in shape and she needs to get in good running shape this summer so she can do well at cross country this fall.

Reading this thread has been the extra motivation I needed to actually get back out there and run.


I love that you can run together!

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What an achievement @missoverexcited :exploding_head::clap:t3::partying_face::muscle:t3:
Well done :+1:t2:

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Well done to both of you :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:

Thank you!

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Thank you!! My husband says I am too hard on myself & he’s probably right. Last year I didn’t really work on speed at all & I can definitely feel it now. I’m just hoping to get back to where I was.


We’re all our own worst critic.


DD10 and I ran 1.4 miles today without walking. It seemed so much easier then yesterday because it was a lot cooler (60’s this morning).
I do have a really sore spot on my right hamstring that remains really tight, even with stretching. It was hurting before I ran yesterday so not really sure what I did to it. Hopefully it loosens up soon.


Trying to push a little more on the short ones to build a little better pace. I should have given it a smidge more but with the temperature this evening I’ll take it.


We’ve been having rain most afternoons this week, so I think I’m going to miss my Thursday night run again! I went to Orangetheory last night & got in over 2 miles, so at least that’s something.

I joined another gym a few months ago that is just weightlifting. I am going there after work because the forecast looks so bad tonight. It’s back & biceps, so if it’s not storming I could still go for a run after :grinning:


I finished my challenge Wednesday night with 104k. I was aiming for 105 but DS texted to say training was ending early so I had to run straight home and jump in the car.


That’s great!! I had to google the conversion & that’s almost 65 miles.


It’s crazy. I can’t believe I did it.

Jealous of all of you running this week. Ran three days in a row last weekend and then my knee that had surgery flared back up, but in a different spot. Not sure if it was the fact that I ran 3 days in a row or that I stupidly did a very light track workout with some 200m repeats.

Had my 6-week appt with the surgeon, but he said the issue I was having was not related to surgery, as it was in a different spot. Been resting it this week.

Made an appt for this afternoon to see my PT person before she goes out of town. Messing with it last night and found a spot way up high on my hamstring that was super tight. So high that I couldn’t figure out a way to stretch it, so got out the Theragun. Seems to be helping, but hopefully PT will help. Hoping to be running again by Sunday. I have 5 weeks to get in shape for Aulani to run with my son.

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Yikes. Hope it feels better soon!!

Sounds like you maybe overdid it. Hopefully the PT will help.

Feeling kinda proud (ish)…
On Thursday I felt energised, so I decided to keep running my third loop. I ended up running all four loops.
I wasn’t planning on running it all so soon, but I was feeling good, so I went for it…

I’m suprised I’m so slow. I used to run 5ks in little over that time and now I’m only running 3k :grimacing:
I guess that’s just how much carrying an extra 3st slows you down :scream::tired_face:

Anyway, that’s speedy in comparison to today… :laughing:

I was nervous for today for two reasons.
First, I was starting really late in the day and the sun was high. There’s a mixture of shade and open on my route, so it was actually fine.
Second, my left ankle has been feeling weird (maybe just overworked) since Thursday night after I walked for about 2.5hrs. It was fine while I was out a walk and went up a hill yesterday, but getting in and out the car keeps reminding me about it. So I took it really really slow when running and it was totally fine :+1:t2:

So, plan for June is to run my 2 miles every other day. Managed Thursday and today so far :+1:t2::partying_face:

The weather here had been utterly phenomenal lately. It’s been really great to get out running and enjoying the dry trails :sunny::smiley::sunny::smiley::sunny:


Well done you! I haven’t run since Wednesday, I’m enjoying a short break but I’ll go back to it.

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I wondered where you’d gone to! Good to see you!

Age and weight will temporarily slow you down, but you’ll build both speed and stamina by being consistent! You did GREAT! And I’m very proud of you!

Also, much appreciated to share the details in miles LOL

The weather matters so much! When it’s 50s I typically feel like I could run forever. Much above 70 and this delicate flower begins to wilt and slows down tremendously.


Thank you!

You absolutely deserve a longer break.
What a star you were last month :star_struck:
104k :exploding_head:
Even if I complete my goal this month I’m only hitting 45k :roll_eyes::rofl::rofl:

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