Thanks cbalusek, we’ll give it a try early in the morning
The only things that will close in lightning and rain will be SDD and F!. The crowds will be light and everything else will be available to you. I’d say put on a poncho and enjoy the rest of the park! I know they don’t close EE over at AK in rain because one of my favorite memories is riding in a downpour twice in a row so I hope you find SDD open!
Thanks quicha, now I want rain
How far out is the forecast generally more reliable?
Not local, but a former ride operator. It will take heavier rain to stop SDD. It uses electromagnetic pulses to propel the ride, and newer coasters (since 2000) often use magnets to bring the train to a stop as well. I haven’t studied the brakes on SDD, but since it’s already got the magnet tech in place it seems highly likely that it uses magnet brakes. When you’re not depending 100% on friction to make it stop or go then wetness really isn’t such a big deal.
Very hard rain can affect the ride control systems (there are sensors everywhere that track things like where the ride units are on the track or how fast it’s going as it approaches a certain place… sensors can be finicky about things like droplets, or spiders) and too much wetness can make the trains not move on the little tires that push them through the station (there’s that damn friction again), which is why sometimes heavy rain will close the ride. Rollercoasters are typically closed whenever there is lightning within 20 miles as well.
Of course, some rides will have a design flaw that becomes apparent after opening (like a place where water pools) that can affect how it operates in rain, and rides with very high speeds (think 65mph+) tend to hurt as the rain hits your face, but SDD doesn’t fall into either of those categories.
Unfortunately Orlando weather seems harder to predict further out, probably because there’s large bodies of water to either side… weather patterns on water become different animals once they hit land.
For instance, in September on the night before we left home they were predicting rain for 5 of the 6 days we were there, and 3 of those days were more than 50% chance. By the time we arrived away midday the next day it was down to 3 days, with only 1 over 50%. In the end it stormed for 30 minutes 1 day and that was it.
Nikkipoooo, you know a lot about ride systems. I guess about the rain, your experienced reinforced the idea that at the end is to hard to predict and therefore no one really knows
shhhh don’t let them know its fun! one less person in line that day
Exactly. My strategy is always bring ponchos (no matter what the weather prediction) and try to be flexible when the liquid sunshine shows up. Easier said than done for us plan people, I know, but at the end of the day it’s still Disney day, so if there’s rain then there’s bound to be a rainbow somewhere.
You dissing spiders on rides again @Nikkipoooo?? Just let them ride!!!
They don’t meet the height requirement!
Darn it!!
That’s discrimination, that is!!!
I don’t make the rules!
And what if I fill their 8 tennis shoes with double insoles so they look taller? Fluff their hair up in ponytails?
I PRAY for rain on WDW trips! I mean, within reason. We bring proper gear, so, a little rain that clears the parks out? Bring it on! Especially if it’s warm.
This was one of my favorite books when I was a kid. Probably read it a bazillion times:
Thanks seebee for that view, I think from now on I will book Disney based on rainy days
I can’t pray for anything, because my lack of believe on the supernatural, but I will hope for a rainy day
Thanks for sharing ryan1, but I think I’m missing the context lol
@quicha was wanting equal rights for spiders.
Thank you and ugh. We have the Archery Experience booked at FW next Weds. Given the forecast, I snagged HDD revue for that day too. Need to cancel one of them 48 hours out and I have no clue which to drop. Let’s hope I guess correctly.