Quicksilver did it to me too…

There are two good courses of action.

One is social media - yelp, Google, Disney Facebook groups, TripAdvisor. Word of mouth.

The other is the State’s Attorney General Office which should have a complaint department. If any of this guy’s shenanigans are actionable, they’re the people.


My concern is that he has my cell number and in one of the bad reviews, I read that he hassled the customer that filed a complaint via phone calls.


Would that be an AG issue to handle?


Wow, blacklisted? A business that has to do this is already in trouble. For anyone here that gets asked who they would recommend for transport from the airport let’s make sure to say to never use QS.


Get a call screening app. I’ve been enjoying the free Hiya. Do it now so that just in case he calls you, you can immediately block him.


Android 12 (and perhaps earlier) has call screening features built in…no need for a separate app, just as an FYI.

Reading this, I’m so sorry for everyone who is dealing with this idiot. I hate it when businesses like this continue to survive because they’re one of the few allowed fish to swim in the pond, so the unaware get the short end.

To that point. Any company that cites their BBB rating as a primary sign of how high a quality a company they are should be avoided.

The BBB is like someone having a driver’s license and points on it. Yes, that means you can operate a business/car functionally by following the laws, but it doesn’t mean you’re actually good at it. Just means you haven’t done anything shady enough for the BBB to step in.

Hell, even if they do, you can retain your rating by simply “settling” with the Customer. And sometimes you can just say you’re settling and never actually settle. (Happened to me)

If someone came to you to offer to drive you somewhere and they’re stumbling around like they’re on something, and when you ask “you ok? Someone said you blew 3 stop signs last time.” And their response is “I have a driver’s license! They’re lying!” …you’d have pause, as you should.

And while I am rather impressed he would take the time to personally respond to those who are simply looking to unsubscribe, and given reason for it, I am amazed at how bad he is at it. Instead of assuring you his business isn’t what the reviews claim, he simply flips the verbal middle finger and acts like you insulted him.

For someone charging hundreds for a RIDE to/from the airport, I would expect far more decorum. F this guy and his crap business.


:popcorn: this was quite a read!


Block the #, document each call. Get a phone call recorder and If an unknown # calls answer stating this is ____, all calls are being recorded, further communication during this call will be deemed as consenting to this recording. In my state it’s 1 party consent so no need for the introduction. Check to see if your state is the same. Since the phone call would be ultimately to you, in your state, it would not be illegal. FL is a two party consent state so for it to hold up in any legal proceedings, both consent should be needed.

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The thing with him is that he does all his shady stuff with customers over the phone. I understand he has the “subject to availability” but he seems to use that to break every other written policy and he does it only over the phone.

As a mentioned earlier he is smart enough to then send an email that the customer “cancelled”. Yes, I would not pay double. Did I cancel?


You get a higher score by paying for a BBB membership.

I work in software in the customer side and love to ask people in interviews to tell me about a difficult client and listen to how they describe them. Most of the time people speak about their difficult client with compassion and understanding, but sometimes they talk like this quicksilver joker how about they are all idiots or customers are “rarely” right and I don’t have a place for people like that.


This just proves that this guy has severe issues. I’ve dealt with plenty of his type. He believes he can do no wrong, it’s always the other party that’s wrong and his ego can’t take any criticism. He responds to anything negative by attacking and belittling.


Yikes, wasn’t even aware there was a “membership” thing. lol that makes it even worse.

Point is: the BBB rating is a horrible barometer and no one should ever be using that as their “proof” they’re a good company.

I’ve created many sites for people who feel differently. “We need the rating on there!” and I immediately start gettin’ a skeevy feeling. Sometimes I talk them out of it, sometimes I don’t, but I make sure they have other things on there that back it up. Google, Yelp, local newspaper reviews, etc…

As far as fighting with this guy, unless the money lost is really detrimental, I would just chalk it up to the cost of an education and move on. Clearly, this idiot doesn’t let things go nor is he professional. He wants to be the bully. So you gotta ask yourself is the money lost really worth getting into it? It’s not like he’s going to learn the error of his ways. If you can leave an anonymous review, do that, but beyond that, sadly, he gets to continue on.


I’m not sure if you want to invest any more energy in this yahoo, but you could report him to the FTC for emailing you after your unsubscribed (and the fact that he acknowledges you were unsubscribed and they emailed you anyway is super fascinating to me).


Thank you for the info on the BBB, I had NO idea. How does one make an anonymous review? Not about this guy but anyone. I’ve not done reviews (pos or neg) b/c I don’t want my name posted publicly.

on BBB? I don’t know. I was talking about various websites like google. You can just create a new account and go that route. Can’t harass you if you never check that email! lol

And if you need to use a name. I hear Olden M’Cranq is almost always available. :smirk:


Thanks :joy:I was thinking about the ‘alternate’ goggle account. I actually have two already and never check emails on one.


Just a note on Sunshine Flyer (anyone else want to call it Silver Surfer?) I took it a couple of weeks ago and the people were really nice. But they don’t have enough of the cool train buses. I was on a regular party bus with a regular driver. I only saw one worker wearing the conductor outfit. Most were in polos.

They did ask me if I was okay taking a party bus or if I wanted to wait for a train one.

You wait outside with the smokers.

Coming back I was picked up almost 4 hours before my flight by a party bus again. Driver was early.

I took Mears Connect in January and while it wasn’t as magical as DME, at least you wait inside. I’m taking Mears Connect again in two weeks. Mears also sent me a text on the day of my pickup to tell me the driver was on the way which I appreciated.


holy crap.

PS: there might still be time to apologize to me and my driver for wasting our times and making both of us lose money in the process; and there might still be time to pay us through the old invoice. I’ll even eat up the collection company’s processing fee they charged us and cancel the collection process. Just a last attempt to be paid and pay my driver.

Who does this guy think he is? Seriously, you run a ride-service, bud. You ain’t performing great acts of sacrifice or anything.

For those who don’t want to read the whole thing found here: Quicksilver Tours & Transportation Inc. | Complaints | Better Business Bureau® Profile
The short version is client couldn’t get a response when initially booked so went with another company(Mears). QS never saw a cancellation so followed through on the initial reservation like nothing was wrong. When client arrived at the airport, even though QS was there waiting, client didn’t go with QS and went with Mears. (I didn’t see if anything was stated whether or not anything was attempted to be worked out at the airport.)

So instead of just eating the $280 for the grand mixup (like, y’know, a well adjusted individual), QS guy goes nuts and does a bunch of harassment, as noted above, in trying to collect 50% of the cost for a ride never taken.

Well…one thing you can say is that at least the guy is consistent.

The fact that there’s only 1 complaint on the BBB is surprising. But even that straightforward exchange clearly shows how useless the BBB is. I’m just glad that whole thing is available to the public. Anyone who reads that and comes away with ‘yeah, this QS guy is good people’ needs to be psychiatrically examined.



(screenshot from the insane rant on BBB page):
