Quick detour turned one full and two half days solo trip!

Backstory: I’m flying down to AL in June and discovered one of my flight options had a 5.5 hour layover at MCO. This of course got my wheels turning about what I could fit into 3ish free hours in Orlando. That evolved into flying to MCO the day before to give me more time in Orlando. Finally, my current plan actually has me flying in on the last flight out two days ahead of my connection flight which actually works out cheaper for flights and gives me a full park day. The detour itself will of course make up for that savings but it’s cheaper than an entire separate solo trip which I had been considering anyway!

With one day I’m trying to decide my best method to hit the highlights. I haven’t ridden Tron or Guardians, so they are my highest priority. I’d like some chill time in Epcot and then a few rides in each park.

Thoughts so far:
Animal Kingdom opens at 7:30 for early entry
Epcot 10:30-2:30
HS 3-6 having stacked some LL
Magic Kingdom 6:30-10

This maximizes time because AK opens earliest and MK closes latest that day. However, I kinda want to see Luminous (I think) more than HEA. I need feedback on that one. If do switch MK and Epcot I lose an hour at the end of the day, because Epcot closes at 9. By then I might not care after a very full day? I’ve also been in summer before so I know I’ll need breaks to cool off, I don’t love heat. I’m from New England and my ideal temp is 65-70!

I also am trying to wrap my head around how to book LL. At 7 I’d probably do ILL for Tron and Guardians. Maybe VQ too
Genie+ order depends on Park order but I’d like to do Slinky, ToT, Remy, Soarin, MMRR
Rope drop at AK- FoP then Safari, Everest

Any thoughts, feedback is appreciated!

Ok, admittedly long post. Let’s start with my main question…

Should I prioritize seeing Luminous over ending my day with the extra hour of park time in Magic Kingdom?

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You should check out @Sunshiney_Disney_Momma in the La Cava forum who just did 4P1D the other day!


Here trip is here: https://forum.touringplans.com/t/bestie-bound/97938/161


Can’t tell you how to prioritize your day, but shouldn’t be a big lift. So far today I did AK-HS-MK-EP-AK and will roll back to MK in a bit. Actually went through EP to get to MK (skyline to monorail, don’t recommend).


I say no. It’s not that great, in my opinion.


We saw Luminous on its first night. We liked it - for the technical aspects and choreography of the pyro, lights, and fountains. (Pyro was a hobby of ours). But if you’re pinched for time, just enjoy someone’s high quality YouTube video of it, and spend your time at MK…


Thanks, I think I’m coming from a place where Illuminations was my favorite and so I want to see the replacements in hopes it’ll have the same feel but it seems like that’s not the direction they’ve gone in.

ETA: it only took me seven tries to get multiple quotes in the same message!


I was never that fond of Illuminations, maybe because I couldn’t see the globe well, so I didn’t really “get” the theme/story. But it’s been a few years since I last saw it, so I don’t recall much. But I really liked Luminous, mainly for the technical/effects aspects. It does have a story arc, and I’m ok with the unpopular parts. I never saw Harmonious. But nothing beats seeing pyro in person, especially when paired with all the surrounding lighting/pyro/water fountain effects. No video can quite do it justice (those lift charges,. :heart_eyes:). I thought they made good use of the entire Lagoon edge and the surrounding countries.

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I wouldn’t but then again I don’t like Luminous.
Plus ending at MK is rather magical.


Turning this into general planning questions…

Next up, I’m arriving at 7ish, staying at CBR. Bar Riva or Banana Cabana for dinner/drink(s)?

(Yes this trip is 4 months away, but the planning brings me joy on these dreary winter days)


What about Sebastian’s for dinner? Banana Cabana is right next door if you wanted a drink ahead of time.

It might also depend which room you get/which section. CBR is huge and Riviera might feel like a long walk depending on where you start.

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Good point, I have heard good things! I’m just not wanting to be tied to a specific reservation time on arrival day. Also, I’m a little weird about restaurant eating alone. I’ll do a bar/lounge but table for 1 at a restaurant for some reason isn’t my comfort zone.

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I get not wanting to have a reservation solo.

I can’t be more helpful - I know nothing about Bar Riva. Sorry :frowning:

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We all get this!

I don’t have CBR advice or Illuminations vs. HEA.

I wanted to make sure you are fully in the loop on drop times for LL, because you will need those to get this line up I think.

Looks like a perfect day! I am thinking about doing a 4 park day in June as well.


Thanks, I am working on that, realizing that it could be different by then especially if genie+ does change. I’ve been over in the LL drop, advanced strategies threads.

I can’t decide if I’m hoping for changes or not, advance booking could stand to make my day easier so I’m not in rope drop line at AK for 7:30 early entry trying to get GotG VQ, SDD and ILL for Tron and GotG all at 7. But if it changes substantially that could mess things up in my pretty ambitious plans!


I have been in the same place for our March trip. I was super worried they were going to roll out the changes before our trip. That trip we are sleeping in and going late (hopefully they extend the hours for spring break) and stacking during the day.

That 7:00 line up looks pretty brutal! But I am going to hate if they implement a tier system!

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Admittedly maybe a little too ambitious but I figured it doesn’t hurt to try. Another big if, I feel pretty good I can get those if bg1 is still working then. I’ll probably amend my 7am line up if not.

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I woke up day one of my trip in February 2022 to discover they’d changed rides from ILL to standard genie+ which totally changed my plans for how to book!

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I think you can do it! Its okay if SDD is a little.latwr, and those ILL too. Arriving at those parks later gives you some flexibility!