Quick detour turned one full and two half days solo trip!

I bet no one here understands this! :joy: :crocodile:
I will plan a trip 18 months in advance, lol. I have no CBR advice though, sorry.

Good Point! I would say Banana Cabana for arrival night. Unless you are in Aruba closest to the Skyliner station. Then a quick run to the Riv might be fun.

That’s ambitious in that heat! Too bad TBA won’t be open then. That would be an extra fun way to cool off for this challenge! I’m doing a 4P1D in March. :crossed_fingers: DH is unaware of this as of now, lol.

I don’t mind this if it is in a very limited capacity. Like only 1 tier one for prebook but ALSO they can not limit additional day of LLs to after using the first 3. If they do limit this, DOWN with tiers! :fire: If they let everyone prebook any 3 attractions day of and last minute availability will be terrible and I’ll be less inclined to visit WDW as often.

Definitely this! @Aimes HS is the hardest park for me to figure out. MK has the best availability later in the day. RDing AK, you may be able to forgo LLs there all together and start the stacking for the other 3 parks. I don’t know how long this will last (can keep tabs on the advanced planning thread) but a tip for AK. If you get the first slot on KS you can let it expire and grab your second LL right away. Then ride KS with the 119 min grace period. Of course if you can use that KS before it expires, great. Just thinking if you do EE before KS, you don’t have to rush to KS- you still have 119 mins to use it.


This is my plan, currently. FoP, KS and Everest without LL. Single rider for EE probably as that will be my third stop.

Thanks for this idea! I’m reading up on the rapid stacking options too. I might be too on the go all morning to try them but it’s interesting to think about!


I’ve used it in December twice. But only to get an extra in the morning. I couldn’t keep it up all day.

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