Preparing for Rain

We leave a week from today (hooray!). But the weather forecasts for our park days (only 2) are putting a damper on my spirit. I realize weather can change (I live in Ohio, they’re talking about snow tonight :roll_eyes:), and I’m definitely packing ponchos and other things for keeping our stuff dry, but I’m wondering how the parks handle the weather. Do they shut rides down for rain? Downpours? Lightning? I’m willing to wait out the weather, but just trying to get an idea of what to expect. We’re going to MK and DHS, if there is any park specific information out there. Thanks!


For the most part, rain won’t shut anything down. I think only one or two rides actually close when it’s raining(I wanna day test track and… btmrr?) A few more will if lightning becomes an issue.

Rain only shuts down fantasmic!, but I think every other show stays on cause it’s indoors.

Overall, be sure to look at the expected rain totals too. Cause even though the “forecasts” will say “showers” Florida is known for quick showers and then you’re good for hours (or even the rest of the day). So if the total is like .05” … you’re in real good shape. :smiley:


I just looked at “accuweather” and I think you’re looking pretty good. Less than 40% all week next week except Saturday at 65%… with a total of .08”.

You’re gonna have a blast. Keep the ponchos handy, but don’t worry. You might even not need them


Rain can also affect the Indy Stunt Show, Jedi Training and possibly the Star Wars stage show.

At MK heavy rain can delay the parade. Anything outside can be stopped, things like the tree house will close. BTMRR, 7dmt, Speedway (I know it’s shut right now).

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My DD19 and I will be there too next week…The weather forecast keeps changing!!!
Drives you nuts…the weather is much more predictable in sunny CA.
Oh well! I’ll have my ponchos ready but I am worried about wet shoes!

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I was so worried about the rain before we left but it worked in our favor…MK was definitely less crowded in the morning due to the rain and HEA went on even through the drizzle. Make sure you have a plan for rain (we brought actual lightweight raincoats because it looked like rain our whole trip and golashes for my dad…they were $14 on Amazon and were amazing!!! We had keens). We ended up with 2 days of on and off rain but stayed pretty dry and very happy!!! Even managed pool time every day.


Expedition Everest can be shut down for storms.

My biggest advice is to throw some sandals in your day bag so if it starts to pour you aren’t walking around with puddles inside your sneakers - and if you have a stroller make sure you have a rain cover - I learned both of those the hard way :slight_smile:


It poured the entire day we were at HS in January. We were there from RD to 1. They canceled all the outdoor SW stuff like the March and Jedi training and the stage show, but Slinky was still going. Didn’t pay attention to RNRC. B&TB show still went on. We had real raincoats, which helped us stay much dryer than ponchos would have. I meant to wear my sandals, but I forgot so our feet were wet, but not soaked, because I watched where I walked and didn’t go through puddles.
We still had a great time and the crowds were much lighter so we got extra rides on TSM and AS2.


I woke up one morning in Pop Century to tornado alerts on my phone and on TV — regularly scheduled programming was cancelled: that’s how serious it was.

That was no week-ahead forecast. It was now. I changed my plans, and went to see Mary Poppins at Disney Springs.

By the time it was over things had cleared up. The whole day I saw a total of zero tornadoes. There was light rain — nothing that merited a change of shoes — when I left Pop for the buses. And after the movie things were fine and I got on with touring.

Weather forecasts are the instruments of Satan. They just sow fear. Have a plan — which all of us should have whatever the forecast because, you know, Florida — and then relax and enjoy your trip. Which you will.


And just like that, it’s showing partly cloudy. I know it will probably change again, but I’m packing now, so I’ll just pack everything. Thanks everyone! :slight_smile:


I love the “Instruments of Satan”!

Best not to say that out loud on a public forum :japanese_ogre:

Rain in Disney is the best! Cools you down, and all the people who feel like rain melts them run away. More space for you!


This is true. In fact, for other amusement parks, I always like it when, early in the day, there is rain or forecast of rain. It keeps the crowds down! Thing is, there is SO MUCH at Disney to do while it is raining, it hardly matters except for getting from point A to B.

Also, it is true that rarely does it rain ALL DAY there. Usually, even if there is a 100% chance of rain predicted, it will mean just a couple hours of the day. Not always. As I’ve shared before, we were in Orlando when a Tropical Storm blew over Florida. It was a day and a half of non-stop, torrential rain. So, it CAN happen! Fortunately, we just adjusted our schedule (since we drive, and don’t fly, it makes doing such a thing much easier.)

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But the bonus is if you is if you get to see the ‘Rainy Day parade’ at MK. I had no idea it existed until suddenly we were shopping and it went by. Wicked cute.


In the event of rain, you should know that some areas of MK and Epcot (maybe the other parks too!) will get significant puddles akin to flooding. Last trip, we rode Dumbo in a drizzle that turned in a significant shower before we got off the ride. We were soaked. By then, the walkway from the teacups to Cosmic Rays was calf deep in water. It had only been raining 5-10 minutes. The fireworks at the castle were not interrupted.

Bring 2 pairs of sneakers on every Disney trip.

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LOL should have ended my sentence with the word “comment”!

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I think some Disney Drainage needs to be implemented!

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If it’s anything like a roller coaster and outside, it may get shut down in rain. So, BTMRR, SDD, Barnstormer, 7DMT, Everest are all susceptible. Test Track also. No such problem for the indoor coasters of course.

If it’s performed on a stage outside and anyone might slip, it may get cancelled for rain. Jedi Training, Indy Stunt show, MK castle shows, I’ve seen all of those stopped a few minutes in when the rain got harder. Fantasmic. Not sure about Rivers of Light, but probably for lightning threat. Also parades if the dancers are going to have a problem, but I think that takes a heavier rain. I think the Beauty and the Beast stage is covered though the seating isn’t…

Fireworks can be cancelled. Even ticketed events if the threat is significant.

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EE is open in the rain and the most fun thing I’ve ever done, if you see rain give it a try!
Thunderstorms will shut it down though…