I always love seeing the hilarious ride pics people get from the rides. If you have any to share, please do!
dont have any from WDW as we havent gone yet, but we went to MOA last year , DD wasnt a fan of the log ride
This is a screen shot so it’s a bit blurry. It was my 7yo’s first ever coaster and only 2nd ride at WDW. Despite appearances, he loved it and wanted to get straight back in line.
I have a question
I have seen some funny pictures of Splash Mountain. One involves a man acting like he is shaving. Shaving cream is on and all. Does anybody ever get in trouble for doing something like that? Could I do it on RnRC? Seems pretty easy. Just bring in a plastic bag with some shaving cream in it and a plastic handle for the shaver ( don’t include the razor).
Here is the picture. It isn’t me, (but will be over Thanksgiving if I won’t get in trouble).
I remember when I took my two four years ago, DD who was 8 at the time hated Splash! I so wish I still had that picture.
I took my friend on Expedition Everest, not realizing just how thrilling it is… he… HATED IT. (He’s the one in the back row in the black shirt. On the inside he’s 100% freaking the [bleep] out.)
As far as I know, the only people who get into trouble for oddball pictures on that ride are those who have dubbed it “Flash Mountain” (see the Unofficial Guide for further details).
Though @len might have more knowledge on this one.
The problem is the photo on RnR is right at the start, and the CMs might object to you having loose objects in your hands right in front of them. Maybe if you lather up before you get on the ride and palm the bladeless razer so they don’t see it?
On splash, people have loads of time to prepare.
Agreed. I don’t think you can do funny pics on RnRC, apart from the fact that your face will generally make it quite funny. Splash is a gentle ride right up till the drop.
When I was there this fall, I was with friends and this was Mine Train…
Where I managed to look like an ad or something not even knowing where it was. Not great of my friend next to me - and my other friend was in the car behind us.
But then we went to Space and…
We never get on-ride photos…an unnecessary expense when saving pennies, but nice if you can afford it. This upcoming trip we will have the Photo Pass, however, due to my AP, so we’ll definitely have some!
In general, though, we like to find where the camera is on a ride and then, when we get to it, pose for it all at the same time. Occasionally we’ve gotten some really good ones…but alas, we don’t have any evidence.
Disney’s working on technology to detect these (and “gang” signs) automatically. Should be out soon, if not already.
This was our first ever ride on EE. We’re in the front row. Lily (6 at the time) loved it, and I wasn’t too sure. Haha!
How do you know where the cameras are set up on the ride? My boys would like to try for some funny pictures on our next trip.
Wow. I didn’t know the ride was that rough. Hope your lips were okay!
This one makes me laugh too. I’m the Grim Reaper on the back row. I’m not going to bother with FEA again…
DLR this summer.
The ONE DAY we didn’t have MaxPass and this doozy was captured.
Splash Mountain.
I’m trying to find one of my Dinosaur pictures… I always look like a terrified child in them.