Poll Time! The Star Wars Films

Oh interesting point!


heh which has been a general complaint since the new trilogy began

“The galaxy has more than just Skywalkers and Solos in it!!”

Turns out…nope. It doesn’t :rofl: (at least not in the movies, anyway)


Then again…we also know from the prequels that Anakin was a nobody, born to a nobody. He was effectively a virgin birth to a woman without any ability to control the force.

Effectively, we know that the “midichlorians” (yeah, yeah…another thing to not like about the prequels…but still canon) effectively choose who will or will not have the force being “strong with this one”. It seems inheritance is one such way…but just (seemingly) random happenstance as well.

So, the kid at the end of Ep. 8 has the potential to be just as powerful (or MORE powerful!) as Anakin was, whether he is a Skywalker, a Palpatine, or not.

ETA: Apparently, I liked the word “effectively” a lot when I wrote the above.


Is giving Anakin a “Jesus Christ” origin story actually supposed to make it feel more inclusive? My reading of that origin story is that he is unique and singular given that background. I guess it is possible in the Star Wars universe that George Lucas meant to imply that virgin births are common, but we only got introduced to one in Anakin - although that seems unlikely given the JC parallels.

Besides wait until the “Shmi Skywalker Story” comes to Disney+ where we learn that she too was a Palpatine! :scream:

On a more serious note the Emperor tells Anakin a story about Darth Plagueis the Wise who attempted to create life directly from the midi-chlorians but failed. Many think this is actually Anakin’s origin story - i.e. he was a failed experiment by a Sith Lord. Not sure that’s overly inclusive…


Deleted by me sorry!

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And on a semi-related note, I had no problem with Rey being a Palpatine. I won’t claim to being a huge SW fan, but FWIW, I felt it highlighted that everyone has a choice to make re the Dark Side.

And re Palpatine being resurrected as the Big Bad, c’mon people what can you expect from a franchise where they just keep on building Death Stars?
Seriously it’s like what if all Spectre can do is try to radiate Fort Knox’s gold supply… again.


Oy. I can relate


That is a good point.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


OK were DW and I the only ppl that found Kylo to be an irritating and snivelly git?
Honestly, they could’ve just brought back Jar Jar.


But this time the death star is definitely going to work! I can feel it… :rofl:

Should we give Episode IX kudos for being so innovative that it was a fleet of planet killing ships instead of a singular death star? Quite the innovation there, don’t ya’ know… :thinking:

When they revealed the giant fleet, it was like “Hey, finally not a death star” - then they kept going - “each with a planet killing laser” - and it was like - “oh, no - not again”. :sob:


Darth Jar Jar as a secret Sith Lord is one of my favorite fan fiction ideas to save the prequels. It all makes a lot more sense if Jar Jar is a secret evil mastermind rather than the bumbling fool we’re presented with…


My personal fav SW movie?

Moulin Rouge One - A poor Bohemian poet in 1890s Paris falls for a beautiful courtesan and nightclub star whom a jealous Duke covets. So he steals the plans to the Duke’s death star.

We laughed. We cried. We counted our midichlorians. Great time had by all.


Ooh, the seed is planted :seedling:
Let’s have a Bond poll and discussion!!! :person_in_tuxedo:t3::person_in_tuxedo:t3::gun:

PS Wasn’t it Goldfinger who wanted to vaporize Fort Knox?? Is he linked to Spectre?? I’m going to have to watch them all again… Yay!! :laughing::laughing::laughing:


Could easily be cast as young Snape!!


Yes it was Goldfinger. I think he’s only been linked to Spectre as a retcon in later IP. There wasn’t any connection in the original book or movie. I think.


OK at first I thought you were proposing a HP/SW crossover.


“And don’t worry M’Lord, each comes with our traditional lucky thermal exhaust port!”


I found him totally irritating but there was still sexual tension.


Personally, I’m holding out for this as my epitaph


I’d like to know who is the smart guy who keeps making there there is a single fail point for everything? Like…you have a fleet of thousands of ships, but their ultimate success relies on ALL of them communicating with a single beacon??? Yeah. That’s smart.