Poll Time! The Star Wars Films

You really are the quintessential romantic. :sunglasses: Keep on being you.

This is a great poll. One question to keep in mind for future - to really cause decision fever - which character would you most like to play/be/cosplay? :rofl:

I might have voted for Solo as enjoying it, or favorite, but I’ve only seen it once. I probably would watch it again. But Rogue One was a fav after the first viewing.

Even tho I’m still wondering what a Bothan is . . . :thinking:

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He has warmed up to it more lately. I think he would do it if they brought him the right story.


Good to know!

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You know, a John Boyega Star Wars show in the same vein as the Mandolorian I would watch the crap out of. Especially if it was him turning into a Jedi.

I keep thinking of a story similar to Kyle Katarn. Travels planet to planet taking jobs to help “the little guy” (y’know, to make up for being a storm trooper), and then slowly becoming a Jedi.

That’d be badass.


If Boyega’s issues stemmed from characters played by people of color not having the depth of character development that white actors saw, then having a series on Disney+ to flesh out Finn could be just the thing. I am glad he has been critical of how actors of color were treated both by the franchise and by the public. That’s how we get change! And I would love to see a Finn series.




I just rewatched episode 3 and I completely agree with you. Bringing back Palpatine just completely undercuts Anakin/Vaders arch.

I know this has been disected here already, but I totally agree. I enjoyed the movie while watching but had a lot of huh? Moments afterwards.


I have a memeory of playing outside with my brother’s Star Wars figures in the town we moved out of when I was four. If I count them up I have about 10 memories from that time. And Star Wars being amazing was one of them.

Back to the kiss: Did no one else think there was serious sexual tension in all of the “force projection” convos with Rey and Kylo in Last? And seriously, the throne room fight scene was like the sex scene eith no sex. Or was this just me finding shirtless Adam Driver sexy and projecting?

Finally -

Empire Strikes back just stands the test of time. Over and over.

The Last Jedi is just so visually stunning I don’t think I even cared about the plot. I need to watch that scored version with no dialouge because artistcly it holds up to that amazing score.

Rouge one shows what happens when you are willing to not have a happy ending. So powerful.


I find the Rey / Kylo relationship to have a lot of sexual tension, but it’s the kind of thing that once cooler heads prevail, it can be totally platonic. Rian Johnson said the scene where they touch hands through force projection was the closest thing to a sex scene in Star Wars. In short, I can see it both way.

I don’t think so, because Vader’s arc was not so much about defeating the external evil as it was about defeating the evil within, becoming good thanks to the love and compassion of his son. It was a personal redemption story.

The sequel trilogy is a collective redemption story - the entire galaxy finally rallies together after relying on a “small band of rebels” for so long. Rey does have a personal arc of defeating her demons, but only when she joins with All the Jedi does she defeat Palpatine once and for all, and it’s “just people” who bring the First Order down, after being inspired by the “spark” / legend of Luke Skywalker.


I am gald that once cooler heads prevail there isn’t a romantic relationship. But I think we have different defitions of totally platonic :thinking: Once there is sexual tension, platonic isn’t the word I would use.

Fair enough, Vader’s story stays intact. But something about it being Palpatine just seems to cheapen the Anakin story to me. I really felt that way after rewatching 3 yesterday, bolstered by watching Obi Wan now. Maybe because Vader is so friggin awesome and iconic nothing else compares.


Wait - it is more than a personal redemtion story! Vader killing the Emperor is his fufilling of the prophecy! So I go back to my not liking that he sneaks back in. But I do like that all the Jedi defeat him together.


I cry every time Hayden tells Rey “Bring balance, as I did.” :sob::sob::sob:


Yes my husband is a massive geek (I mean, so am I but not about Star Wars or Star Trek) and I also have 2 boys so I am an unwilling participant :joy: I don’t mind SW. Better than ST at least.


Yes. It made me want to hurl to be honest.


I felt there was 100% tension that, with the right people in the right setting would have/could have been sexual, but in this setting was just sexy. Does that make sense? Like people think cars are sexy, but they don’t (at least normal people) have sexual feelings about the car. Like, “oh my that’s hot!”

And to me the tension was drawn from their strong and opposing energies - almost more of a chemical reaction than an emotional one.

I find this particular part of this conversation really interesting. I seem to be the outlier here and in the Marvel discussion that’s of a similar nature. I’m turning these things over in my mind and trying to figure out what makes me see each of the two so completely differently from the majority.

I also wonder if without that editorial comment about “the closest thing to a sex scene” if @Jeff_AZ and others would still interpret this as a sexual tension.

Just thinking out loud.


I like this description, amd I think its accurate. That’s probably why I was wondering if it was just me projecting onto the scene.

For the record, because I don’t think I said it here, I never ever wanted Rey to go for Kylo, even a reformed one. She is too bad ass for that.




I’ve never heard of the comment before Jeff mentioned it but I definitely thought it was sexual tension when I watched it.


Sure I can see that being a thing.
I guess I meant for people who heard that editorial comment did it shift it in your mind from sex-y to sex-ual. That’s all. Certainly there’s a portion of the people - and it seems a large portion - who without any prompting can and do see it as sexual. I didn’t mean to suggest it was only by being lead that way that one would. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


Oh that makes sense!


I think you’re right that if you look at the Rey is Nobody vs. a Palpatine solely from Rey’s arc, it doesn’t matter a ton.

But if you look at it from the perspective of any minor character, it is a huge difference. The little kid with the broom at the end of Episode 8 on Canto Blight can believe a nobody like him can make a difference in the universe if Rey is a nobody - he can follow in her footsteps. If she’s a Palpatine though, it becomes a lesson that the only truly powerful are royalty born to a small set of space wizards which is a hugely different message…